We hope you find these CAT4 Figure Recognition practice tests sample CAT4 Figure Classification questions useful. From School Entrance Tests; helping your child to excel and to show their true potential in their CAT4 assessment.
Sample CAT4 Figure Recognition practice tests
Start your child’s CAT4 revision with our top FREE CAT4 practice test resources below:
- TOP CAT 4 tests and recommended CAT4 practice tests.
- THE BEST CAT4 test practice and highly recommended cat4 practice tests.
Recommended CAT4 test practice, cat4 test practice, CAT 4 practice tests,
cat test samples and our sample CAT4 questions.
CAT4 test taking strategies.
Improving your child’s CAT4 score
All CAT4 sub-sections measure:
- Processing Speed which is a pupil’s skills at processing / responding to visual and auditory info.
- Working Memory which is a pupil’s skills at holding / manipulating info within their individual short-term memory capacity.
Have a CAT4 query? Or CAT4 issue?
Then why not ask our Founder, Rob Williams, at passedpapers@gmail.com
What does each CAT 4 section assess?
- CAT4 Verbal Reasoning questions in the CAT4 Verbal Analogies section and Verbal Classification CAT4 section.
- Non-Verbal Reasoning CAT 4 questions in the CAT 4 Figure Recognition section and Figure Analysis CAT4 section.
- CAT4 Quantitative Reasoning questions in the CAT4 Number Analogies and Number Series CAT4 sections.
- Spatial Reasoning CAT 4 questions in the Figure Classification CAT4 and CAT4 Figure Matrices sections.
CAT4 skills assessed by the CAT4 battery
Two CAT 4 modules, cat4 sub-tests, or CAT 4 sections called assess each of these four reasoning skills:
1. Verbal reasoning CAT4 skills assessment
CLICK on the two verbal reasoning sample links below to learn more about how to pass CAT4 verbal reasoning questions.
- CAT 4 Verbal Analogies section and the
- Verbal Classification CAT4 sub-test.
2. Quantitative reasoning CAT4 skills assessment
CLICK on the two quantitative reasoning sample links below to learn more about how to pass CAT4 quantitative reasoning questions.
3. Non-verbal reasoning CAT4 skills assessment
CLICK on the two non-verbal reasoning sample links below to learn more about how to pass CAT4 non-verbal reasoning questions.
4. Spatial reasoning CAT4 skills assessment
CLICK on the two spatial reasoning sample links below to learn more about how to pass CAT4 spatial reasoning questions.
- School Entrance Tests recommends taking full advantage of this CAT FIGURE MATRICES SKILLS TRAINING. In particular, if your child is set to take a CAT4 battery assessment at school within the next few months.
Why? For many reasons Such as the following
- You would like to conduct a diagnostic assessment of your child’s current CAT4 level.
- To familiarise your child with the content and question formats.
- Increase your child’s confidence as part of their overall GL Progress Test preparation.
- These are the THE BEST PRACTICE for your age specific CAT4 since these are the closest replica versions of the actual CAT4 exam. At the appropriate CAT4 assessment age.
- These are the most accurate practice tests available.
- Your child’s CAT4 strengths and CAT4 weaknesses are accurately identified. That way you know which CAT4 subtests to focus on.
- You can track whether the CAT4 Figure Recognition remains your child’s weakest CAT4 link!
- Each of the CAT 4 Figure Recognition questions has a diagnostic format includingdetailed Correct/Incorrect explanations (for every answer option).
- So, you can easily establish which cat test topics are the most challenging for your child. You can also quickly identify any misunderstandings.
- Comparative cat4 stats are provided for your child’s peers.
In summary, these CAT4 Figure Recognition practice tests offer the most efficient mens of practicing and improving your child’s cat 4 score.