School Entrance Tests assure you that our new targeted CAT4 practice test Figure Analysis will help you to pass!
We focus here on GL Assessment’s CAT4 test practice for the Figure Analysis CAT4 Sample Test.
CAT4 Figure Analysis practice test samples
Our step- by-step CAT4 revision guide for parents and CAT4 tutors
We believe your first step is reviewing the eight CAT4 sections. We therefore provide a free sample on each of our CAT4 section pages. The free CAT4 Number Analogies sample is provided here:
- Free sample of the Figure Analysis CAT4 subtest.
- Then secondly, reviewing the different types of CAT 4 question within each of the eight CAT4 sections. We recommend purchasing the specific school year practice CAT4 Papers from the buttons above. This is because all the types of CAT4 Figure Analysis question are included multiple times. Thus your child will receive plenty of practice in all Figure Analysis question types.
- And thirdly focusing on the training video(s) for the CAT4 sections where your CAT4 performance is the weakest.
What are the above CAT 4 practice tests’ benefits?
- Detailed visual explanations are provided for every single question.
- By researching the Figure Analysis module in detail, we’ve managed to identify every single possible version of the question type that could come up in your child’s test.
So, in summary, there are two key factors:
- Firstly, these are THE most accurate and efficient way to prepare for the CAT4 Figure Analysis module.
- And secondly, they will introduce your child to allof the possible types of CAT4 Figure Analysis exam question.
- Thirdly, for each CAT4 level, there’s a unique set of 6 online practice tests that will help your child prepare for the Figure Analysis module in the CAT4 test.
Detailed explanation of CAT 4 figure analysis questions
- Each CAT4 Figure Analysis test question presents pupils with a square.
- This question square has been repeatedly folded. Then has had one or more holes punched through it.
- Pupil respondents must establish the final unfolded product.
- This test assesses visualisation processes; the ability to create a complex mental image and to retain it in their head. Then to manipulate it before comparing the imagined result with other presented material.
- The CAT4 Figure Analysis test makes up half of the CAT4 spatial reasoning content.
- With the other half comprises the CAT4 Figure Recognition test content.
- Both the CAT4 Figure Analysis and the CAT4 Figure Recognition test questions assess visualisation skills. In particular, the ability to create and retain a firm mental image of a shape that represents angles and lengths accurately.
How does the CAT 4 assess verbal reasoning skills?
The CAT4 assesses pupils’ verbal reasoning skills by using two CAT 4 sections.
Firstly the CAT4 Verbal Analogies section and secondly the Verbal Classification CAT4 section.
CAT4 skills assessed by the CAT4 battery
Two CAT 4 modules, cat4 sub-tests, or CAT 4 sections called assess each of these four reasoning skills:
1. Verbal reasoning CAT4 skills assessment
CLICK on the two verbal reasoning sample links below to learn more about how to pass CAT4 verbal reasoning questions.
- CAT 4 Verbal Analogies section and the
- Verbal Classification CAT4 sub-test.
2. Quantitative reasoning CAT4 skills assessment
CLICK on the two quantitative reasoning sample links below to learn more about how to pass CAT4 quantitative reasoning questions.
- CAT4 Number Analogies module questions and
- Number Series CAT 4 section questions.
3. Non-verbal reasoning CAT4 skills assessment
CLICK on the two non-verbal reasoning sample links below to learn more about how to pass CAT4 non-verbal reasoning questions.
- Figure Analysis CAT4
- CAT4 Figure Recognition
4. Spatial reasoning CAT4 skills assessment
CLICK on the two spatial reasoning sample links below to learn more about how to pass CAT4 spatial reasoning questions.
- CAT4 Figure Classification exam sample questions and
- CAT 4 Figure Matrices test sample questions.
Who are School Entrance Tests?
We speak as expert test developers ourselves. Infact you can contact our Founder, Rob Williams, at
We hope you found our targeted CAT4 Figure Analysis prep useful.