Or if the CAT4 test practice is unsuitable then you will find our extensive School Entrance exam practice tests here.
What’s in a CAT 4 Report?
To help with your CAT4 practice, here are some:
- Examples of each CAT4 question type; plus Year 7 CAT4 practice tests and also Year 8 CAT4 test prep.
- A free CAT4 sample paper which will show you each of the different CAT4 question formats.
- CAT4 example of how a North London school uses CAT4.
CAT4 test – CAT 4 – CAT practice test – CAT test year 7
Which skills are needed to pass the CAT 4
- Analysing the patterns of the presented shapes.
- Creative thinking and deductive thinking; finding the pattern(s) across the series of shapes in each CAT4 question.
- Determining which shape comes next in particular series. Or within the missing pattern segment.
- Applying analytical thinking to your interpretation of the words presented
- Once you’ve identified the linguistic pattern, it’s possible to answer the CAT4 questions:
- Which words belong?
- Which words don’t belong? and
- How are these words connected?
- Number patterns must be interpreted and analysed. The next value in the series must be found. Or the missing number calculated for the missing pattern segment, marked by a question mark.
- Generating and transforming visual images by being presented with shapes and their transformation – the student is then asked to select the final shape.
Welcome to our Guide to GL Education’s CAT4 sections.
School Entrance Tests believes the following are the best CAT4 samples and CAT4 practice tests:
THE BEST CAT4 practice tests are here!
How to find a CAT4-passing mindset
- Review the FREE CAT4 SAMPLES on School Entrance Tests and Rob Williams Assessment.
- Stay calm and positive as you approach your CAT 4 exam.
- Utilize resources like our CAT4 practice tests and CAT4 skills courses to enhance your understanding.
- Remember that CAT4 results are a part of your assessment journey.
- Your ability to reason and solve problems extends beyond these exams.
- Be confident about your overall CAT cognitive abilities!
Ask ROB (expert test developer) your questions by emailing passedpapers@gmail.com
An Associate Fellow of the British Psychological Society, Rob Williams is a Chartered Psychologist with over 25 years of experience working and designing tests.
Rob has worked for the school entrance test publishers ISEB and GL – as well as the leading global psychometric test publishers including SHL, Kenexa IBM, MBTI, CAPP and SOVA Assessment.
Our popular CAT4 practice test question samples
- Figure Analysis CAT4 sample questions , Number Series sample CAT4 questions ,
- Figure Matrices CAT 4 sample , CAT 4 Figure Classification sample ,
- CAT 4 Number Analogies sample , Verbal Analogies CAT 4 sample questions ,
- CAT 4 Verbal Classification sample and Figure Recognition CAT4 sample questions.
CAT4 skills tests
Which are the skills assessed by the eight CAT4 assessment modules?
- CAT4 verbal reasoning skills training
- CAT 4 non-verbal reasoning skills practice
- CAT4 quantitative reasoning skills practice
- CAT 4 figure recognition skills practice
Which non-verbal reasoning skills are assessed by the CAT4?
Non-Verbal Reasoning in the CAT4 Test is assessed by these two test modules: the CAT 4 Figure Matrices module and the CAT 4 Figure Classification sub-test.
Which skills does the CAT 4 non-verbal reasoning assess?
The CAT4 Test has these two Non-Verbal Reasoning assessment modules:
a) CAT 4 Figure Matrices test sections
b) CAT 4 Figure Classification module
Each CAT4 non-verbal reasoning module has been categorized by question type according to the specific skill being assessed.
CAT4 non-verbal reasoning module Figure Matrices
- Combining Shapes or Figures
- Division of Shapes
- Count of Shapes or Elements
- Alteration of Size
- Variation in Shading
- Evolution of Shapes
- Reflection
- Positioning
- Rotation
- Alterations in Line Style
- Utilization of Multiple Techniques
- Exploration of Latin Squares
Skills required to pass CAT4 Figure Classification module
- Rotation
- Identical or Similar Figures
- Count of Sides
- Count of Shapes
- Positioning
- Reflection
- Duplication
- Shading
- Size
- Layers
- Division of Shapes or Symmetry
- Utilization of Multiple Techniques
How are non-verbal reasoning skills assessed by the CAT4 ?
The specific CAT4 sections assess visualisation skills; the ability to
- create and retain a firm mental image of a shape
- representing angles and lengths accurately.
CAT4 Figure Matrices’ question types
- Combining Shapes or Figures
- Division of Shapes
- Number of Shapes or Elements
- Changing Size
- Shading
- Changing ShapesQuestion Type 7: Reflection
- Position
- Rotation
- Line Style Changes
- Multiple Techniques
- Latin Squares
Figure Classification question types for the CAT4
- Rotation
- Identical or Similar Figures
- Number of Sides
- Shapes
- Position
- Reflection
- Duplication
- Shading
- Size
- Layers
- Division of Shapes or Symmetry
- Multiple Techniques
Which verbal reasoning skills are assessed by the CAT4?
Verbal Reasoning in the CAT4 Test is covered in the following modules:
- a) Verbal Classification
- b) Verbal Analogies
CAT 4 Verbal Classification question types
- A: Connected Nouns
- B: Connected Verbs
- C: Synonyms (Nouns)
- D: Synonyms (Verbs)
- E: Synonyms (Adjectives)
- F: Nature
- G: Food and Drink
- H: Family
- I: Weather and Climate
- J: Body Parts
- K: Rooms
- L: Emotions
- M: Vehicles
- N: Jobs
- O: Subjects
- P: Connectives
CAT4 Verbal Analogies question types
- A: Opposites
- B: Synonyms
- C: Adjective-Verb Connections
- D: Adjective-Noun Connections
- E: Noun-Verb Connections
- F: Pronouns
- G: Animals
- H: Relations
- I: Food and Drink
- J: Professions
- K: The Body
- L: Time and Measurements
- M: Parts of a Whole
- N: Comparisons
- O: Group Sets
- P: Pairings
PRACTICE FOR ALL pupil ages here
The wide range of GL Assessments CAT4 Level a to CAT4 Level G assess any pupil’s strengths and weaknesses for any school year. The CAT4 Level G is a standardised assessment or aptitude test, but more advanced than the traditional: 7+ Tests, 11+ tests or 13+ tests which it is seeking to replace.
Also, GL Assessment offers teachers a CAT4 teachers report describing individual student’s learning preferences.
What are the CAT4 exam sections?
There are 4 different cognitive ability testing programs out there that comprise the CAT4, and they are each explained in more detail below.
What are the CAT4 Verbal reasoning sections assessing?
in short, verbal reasoning skills which are useful in understanding, classifying and identifying patterns in words. The CAT4 measures such abilities using both a verbal classification test and a verbal analogies test.
These two CAT4 verbal reasoning sections:
- allow students to ‘think with words’.
- involve working with words in different groups.
- provide baseline measures of a child’s potential in essay writing and subjects such as English. History is also one of the subjects that requires a certain degree of verbal reasoning too.
What are the CAT4 Non-verbal reasoning sections assessing?
It is quite evident from the phrase that non-verbal reasoning is something to do with topics unrelated to words. It also does not involve reading.
In fact it measures a child’s ability to analyse patterns among modules of shapes. It even has real-time implications for pattern recognition in data and large sets of numbers. Or otherwise.
What are the CAT4 Quantitative reasoning sections assessing?
The CAT 4 Quantitative reasoning sections are:
- Called the CAT4 number series test and the CAT4 number analogies tests.
- the numerical equivalent of verbal reasoning and includes working out the relation between sequences and numbers.
- provides a teacher CAT4 report comparison between mathematical ability and other school measures.
- is not actually examining a previous mathematics knowledge. It is in fact assessing how effectively of a child can think using numbers.
What are the CAT4’s Spatial ability sections assessing?
The CAT4’s spatial ability can be defined as a sort of thinking that can be done with shapes and space. It involves the manipulation of different shapes to have an understanding of spatial relations between images and can be linked to stem subjects. The CAT4 measures the ability of students in this area utilising the figure analysis test and a figure recognition test.
What are the CAT4 Verbal analogies test’s key features?
- Contains CAT4 questions that provide a verbal analogy taking the “A —B, C—_” fashion. Learners should determine relations between the first pair, which then assists them in completing the second pair using one word selected from five options available.
- This CAT4 sub-test also tests word and verbal knowledge.
What are the CAT4 Number analogies test’s key features?
- This CAT4 assessment has CAT4 questions having three pairs of numbers like ‘2-5, 7-10, and 9—_”.
- Pupils answer the questions by first knowing the connection between the pairs of numbers then complete the last pair using a suitable number from the list provided.
- This CAT4 sub-test assesses skills in identifying relations and arithmetic knowledge.
What are the Key features of the CAT4 Number Series test?
- This assesses the ability of learners to identify the rule governing a progression in a series of numbers.
- Pupils pick the next suitable number form five options provided to complete the number series.
- The test significantly builds the foundation for fields like economics and mathematics.
What are the CAT4 Figure Classification test’s key features?
- Questions in this test contain separate figures having a characteristic that links them.
- Learners should identify another figure from the options presented that has the same features as the first three.
What are the CAT4 Figure matrices test’s key features?
- Figure analogy is the basis of questions in this test.
- Pupils need to know the relations between the first pair of figures and then should complete the other pair by selecting from the provided five options.
What are the Key Features of the CAT4 Figure analysis test?
- Questions in this test have squares that are folded several times before holes punched through them.
- Learners are required to determine the appearance of the final product when unfolded.
- Students utilize visualization ability to find correct answers.
- CAT4 Figure recognition test
- Each question presents a target figure.
- Students should select one complex design that has exactly the same size from the one provided.
- This CAT4 subtest evaluates visualization skills.
CAT4 test – CAT 4 – CAT practice test – CAT test year 7
CAT4 Verbal Reasoning sections
Verbal classification CAT4 sub-test
- Each question in this test contains three words that have the same meaning.
- Pupils are supposed to discover the concept linking the three words and then select one word that best fit with them from the list of other five words provided.
- This CAT4 subtest assesses word knowledge, verbal reasoning, and language development.
Verbal analogies CAT4 sub-test
- It contains questions that provide a verbal analogy taking the “A –B, C–_” fashion.
- Learners should determine relations between the first pair, which then assists them in completing the second pair using one word selected from five options available.
- This CAT4 sub-test also tests word and verbal knowledge.
Quantitative Reasoning CAT4 section
How to take this CAT4 section?
- You must interpret the connection between pairs of numbers shown.
- Then complete the last pair using a suitable number from the list provided.
Which skills are needed to pass this CAT4 section?
- Identifying relations.
- Arithmetic knowledge.
- Find the rule governing a progression in a series of numbers.
CAT4 test – CAT 4 –
CAT4 test examples – CAT 4 test examples – CAT practice tests – CAT tests
Number analogies CAT4 section
- How to take this CAT4 Figure Analysis section?
- Respondents pick the next suitable number form five options provided to complete the number series.
- This CAT4 sub-test significantly builds the foundation for fields like economics and mathematics.
Passing the CAT4 Figure analysis section
- Each question has separate figures and find the characteristic that links them.
- Learners should identify another figure from the options presented that has the same features as the first three.
Key steps for passing CAT4 Figure Classification CAT4 sub-test
- Each question has squares that are folded several times before having holes punched through th
- You must determine the appearance of the final product when it is unfolded.
- Both visualization and spatial reasoning skills are needed here.
Passing the CAT4 Figure Recognition section
- Each question presents a target figure.
- You need to select one complex design with the same size as the one shown.
- Once agian passing this CAT4 assessment section requires your visualization skills and spatial reasoning abilities.
Ask ROB (expert test developer) your questions by emailing passedpapers@gmail.com
An Associate Fellow of the British Psychological Society, Rob Williams is a Chartered Psychologist with over 25 years of experience working and designing tests.
Rob has worked for the school entrance test publishers ISEB, HODDER and GL Assessment.
CAT4 Non-Verbal Reasoning section / Figure matrices CAT4 test.
- How to take this CAT4 section? You need to interprete the first pair of figures and then should complete the other pair by selecting from the provided five options. It significantly assesses visualization skills.
How long does a CAT4 test take?
For example:
- CAT4 Part 1’s Figure Classification 10 minutes Figure Matrices 10 minutes
- Part 2’s Verbal Classification 8 minutes Verbal Analogies 8 minutes Number Analogies 10 minutes CAT4 Part 3 – Number Series 8 minutes Figure Analysis 9 minutes Figure Recognition 9 minutes
Early Years – CAT4 Level X and CAT4 Level Y
- Any of these levels of CAT4 test then provide CAT4 results which inform teaching strategies providing support or challenge appropriately.
- Attainment in core subjects is important but by using the CAT4 tests schools have a broader view of each child’s capabilities and learning approach.
- Children of such an early age may be more accustomed to using a pen and paper so this option of delivery is also available.
- Measuring cognitive at an early age is difficult since children develop at different rates.
- Children of of this age group will require significant support. There are several CAT4 sections:
CAT4 Part 1
- Figures CAT4 section. This CAT4 sub-test takes 12 minutes to complete.
- Word CAT4 section. This CAT4 sub-test takes 10 minutes to complete.
Part 2 CAT4
- Numbers CAT4 section. This CAT4 sub-test takes 10 minutes to complete.
- Shapes CAT4 section. This CAT4 sub-test takes 11 minutes to complete.
Our CAT4 YouTube Video Guides
CAT4 video, Applying CAT4 results at your school
Our CAT4 self-learning training videos
How do schools use CAT4 results?
- Most schools inform parents about CAT4 tests in advance.
- As a result, parents get to know their plans and expectations from students.
Our CAT 4 Teachers Guide
CAT4 Test Practice Preparation
Here is our free CAT4 paper sample.
Or if the CAT4 test practice is unsuitable then you will find our extensive School Entrance exam practice tests here.
What’s in a CAT 4 Report?
To help with your CAT4 practice, here are some:
- Examples of each CAT4 question type; plus Year 7 CAT4 practice tests and also Year 8 CAT4 test prep.
- A free CAT4 sample paper which will show you each of the different CAT4 question formats.
- CAT4 example of how a North London school uses CAT4.
CAT4 test – CAT 4 – CAT practice test – CAT test year 7
Which skills are needed to pass the CAT 4
- Analysing the patterns of the presented shapes.
- Creative thinking and deductive thinking; finding the pattern(s) across the series of shapes in each CAT4 question.
- Determining which shape comes next in particular series. Or within the missing pattern segment.
- Applying analytical thinking to your interpretation of the words presented
- Once you’ve identified the linguistic pattern, it’s possible to answer the CAT4 questions:
- Which words belong?
- Which words don’t belong? and
- How are these words connected?
- Number patterns must be interpreted and analysed. The next value in the series must be found. Or the missing number calculated for the missing pattern segment, marked by a question mark.
- Generating and transforming visual images by being presented with shapes and their transformation – the student is then asked to select the final shape.