Are the CAT4 Figure Classification questions your child’s weakest link?

Welcome to our introduction to the CAT4 Figure Classification practice test sample questions (by GL Assessment).

CAT4 Figure Classification practice tests

Sample CAT4 Figure Classification practice test questions

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Which other skills does the CAT4 assess?

The four key aptitude test areas are assessed. Each by two CAT4 sections, as detailed below:

1) CAT 4 Verbal Reasoning Skills assessment

is by the CAT 4 Verbal Analogies section and the Verbal Classification CAT 4 section.


2) CAT 4 Non-Verbal Reasoning Skills assessment

is by the CAT 4 Figure Recognition section and by the Figure Analysis CAT 4 section.


3) CAT 4 Quantitative Reasoning Skills assessment

is by the sections of the CAT4 Number Analogies and Number Series CAT 4.


4) CAT 4 Spatial Reasoning Skills assessment

is by the sections of the CAT4 Figure Classification and CAT 4 Figure Matrices.


Have a CAT4 query? Or CAT4 issue?

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Rob Williams

An Associate Fellow of the British Psychological Society, Rob Williams is a Chartered Psychologist with over 25 years of experience working and designing tests.


CAT4 Figure Classification practice test question samples