Welcome to our feature on the St Pauls school entrance exam.
St Pauls practice tests, St Paul’s past papers
Here’s the best free St Pauls past papers to revise with:
- 11+ English – Sample Paper 1 (St Paul’s Girls’ School) 2016
- 11+ English – Paper 1 (St Paul’s Girls’ School)
- 11+ English – Paper 2 (St Paul’s Girls’ School)
- 11+ English – Comprehension Paper – Mysteries surrounding Richard III (St Paul’s Girls’ School)
- 11+ English – Comprehension Paper – The Book of Food (St Paul’s Girls’ School)
- 11+ Biology Junior Scholarship (St Paul’s 2013)
- 11+ Biology Junior Scholarship Insert (St Paul’s 2013)
- 11+ Chemistry Junior Scholarship (St Paul’s 2013)
11 Plus Maths Junior Scholarship 2013 (St Paul’s School)
Maths Junior Scholarship 2013 (Insert) (St Paul’s School)
Biology Junior Scholarship 2013 (St Paul’s School)
11+ Biology Junior Scholarship 2013 (insert) (St Paul’s School)
11Plus Chemistry Junior Scholarship 2013 (St Paul’s School)
French Junior Scholarship 2013 (St Paul’s School)[
11Plus Geography Junior Scholarship 2013 (St Paul’s School)
Greek Junior Scholarship 2013 (St Paul’s School)
11+ History Junior Scholarship 2013 (St Paul’s School)
History Junior Scholarship 2013 (Insert) (St Paul’s School)]
11+ Latin Junior Scholarship 2013 (St Paul’s School)
What kind of pretest is St Paul’s using for entry?
Guide to 11+ St Pauls entry; 7-8+ St Pauls entrance guide and the Guide to 16+ St Pauls entry.
There are three stages to the St Pauls entry exam:
- The first stage requires the completion of the ISEB online pre-test.
- Then the second entry stage requires the completion of St Paul’s Schools internal exam.
- And finally the third St Pauls entry stage is the interview process. Areas of study: English, Mathematics, Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning.
For 13 Plus entry, St Paul’s School uses the ISEB Common Pretest. However, competition for places at this entry point is extremely high.
What is St Paul’s School 11 Plus Exam Format?
St Paul’s selection procedure has three stages;
Stage One of St Paul’s Selection Procedure
- ISEB Common Pre-test;
- Candidates have 2 ½ hours;
- Areas of study: English, Mathematics, Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning.
(2) requires the completion of St Paul’s Schools internal exam .
(3) is the St Paul’s Schools 11+ entrance exam;
- 2 written papers, English and Mathematics, each 20 minutes;
- English paper involves a comprehension and writing task;
- Mathematics paper involves KS2 content and some standard format Maths questions.
English St Pauls exam
Features a comprehension passage testing candidates’ ability to: process difficult passages; pay attention to detail; and provide in-depth, comprehensive answers to obtain high scores.
St. Paul’s entry exam Preparation Tips
- Study passages featuring advanced vocabulary and complex themes;
- Revise punctuation, spelling, and grammar;
- Formulate answers exploring multiple points, supported by quotes and analysis;
- Recognise inference-based reasoning.
Saint Paul’s Mathematics
Features content, of a similar standard to the 11+ syllabus, testing candidates’ ability to:develop written answers evidencing working out, and keep an eye on any unusual wording which may be confusing.
St Paul’s School Preparation Tips
- Revise difficult areas within the 11+ syllabus e.g. ratio, symmetry, cubed and squared numbers, etc;
- Quick, independent thinking will be rewarded;
- Carry a ruler, protractor, and HB pencils with an eraser.
Stage Three of St Paul’s entry process
- St Paul’s school interview with a senior member of the teaching faculty;
- Assessing independence, inquisitiveness, ability to voice opinions sufficiently backed by evidence;
- Approximately 20 minutes;
- Conversational topics may include general academic studies or specific subjects e.g. English and Mathematics.
Interview Tips
There is no precise checklist, but here are some useful pointers:
- Maintain eye contact and remember to smile;
- Prepare to explain why you have chosen the school;
- Express your opinion, providing supporting reasons;
- Watch the news to demonstrate political and social awareness.
How Can I Prepare for St Paul’s School 11+ Exam?
St Paul’s School have not published their independent school entrance exam past papers.
How Competitive Is St Paul’s School?
Fiercely competitive, over 600 boys apply for the 36 available places.
Statistically speaking, this means that only 6% of students are admitted. Rigorous preparation and careful study of our resources is a sure-fire recipe for boosting your son’s chances of success.
St Paul’s A-Level / GCSE Results 2018/19
- 51.0% achieved A* grades
- 82.4% achieved A*/A grades
- 78.5% achieved A* grades
- 96.1% achieved A*/A grades
Expert Tips
As there are no publications of St Paul’s School sample papers or independent school exam papers, parents are, understandably, worried and anxious. However, we believe that it is essential for candidates to have working knowledge of advanced Mathematics topics and a good command of verbal reasoning.
Candidates should apply their knowledge in practical ways to solve problems, and, critically, practice attempts should be under timed conditions. Candidates will need to exercise their time-management skills in order to finish each paper within 20 minutes. Those who use their time efficiently, to answer all question types, have a greater chance of performing well.
It is equally important that after marking the 11+ practice papers, parents clearly identify weak areas. These should then be corrected through extensive practice, which should also boost confidence.
- Print the paper;
- Supervise your child, ensuring that they complete the paper under timed conditions;
- Revisit the website to mark the answers;
- Make note of weak areas and then practice more questions on similar topics by revisiting the website.
For Maths, to increase effectiveness and efficiency all questions from 11 plus sample papers free are segregated as per the topic. This should resolve weak areas and gaps in your child’s knowledge since our system allows you to pinpoint relevant questions segregated by topic, so that you may practice more.
How to Revise for St Paul’s Entrance exam
To those applying to multiple schools, including St Paul’s School, please note that, broadly speaking, the core subjects for the 11+ entrance test are English, Verbal Reasoning, Non-verbal Reasoning, and Mathematics.
Unlike the typical 11+ comprehension paper, St Paul’s School entrance exam is more demanding so the earlier you prepare the more useful it is. Visit our sample 11 plus papers and free 11 exam papers; likewise, focused study of our sample Maths and English exam papers are an effective way of strengthening Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning practice tests.
Academic Life at St Pauls 7-12
Our aim is to enable pupils to be the best that they can be in a lively, stimulating and rewarding environment.
We provide a rounded education in which academic, physical, creative, social, moral and spiritual elements are intrinsic and important parts.
Whilst pursuing high academic standards, the school takes seriously its role in developing personal and social skills, and an understanding of the world beyond school.
Pupils are extremely successful in a wide variety of academic pursuits. Nationally, many win medals in the Junior Mathematics Olympiad, and there are regular successes in the Townsend Warner History and Young Geographer of the Year competitions.
We believe pupils learn best when they are actively involved in lessons, discovering, questioning and understanding the subject matter for themselves. We encourage pupils to think creatively and critically.
For our pupils, the curriculum is just the start. We want them to be fascinated by the process of discovery.
Academic Life at St Pauls 13-18
St Paul’s School enjoys an outstanding academic tradition, which fosters a culture of scholarship, creativity and enquiry.
Our teachers are experts in and passionate about their subjects, and they teach the assessed syllabi with depth and rigour, but equally venture well beyond the assessed syllabus.
Pupils follow a curriculum to IGCSE/GCSE and then to A Levels. We believe that both GCSE and IGCSE offers breadth and good curriculum content, and that of all the 16+ examination options, A Levels provide the greatest flexibility and choice for both students and teachers.
An Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) is also an option at 16+, offering an incredible opportunity to develop a scholarly approach to academic work, studying a bespoke subject to great depth, with one-on-one tutorial support from a dedicated member of staff.
St Paul’s regularly topped the league tables published each August before we co-founded a movement among leading schools to withhold publication of our GCSE and A Level results at that time of the year. We believe that league tables are too narrow a measure of a school’s educational provision. Our results, and the all-round education we provide, are such that pupils go on to study at top universities in the UK and North America.
St Pauls’ Pastoral Care
At the heart of our education is the understanding that children flourish when they feel safe, respected and cared for.
We nurture each individual child carefully, developing strong and meaningful relationships with them that will inspire and support them at school, and prove a foundation for their healthy and happy future.
Underpinning all of our pastoral care is our unwavering commitment to pupil safety. We hold it absolutely paramount: it is the foundation of everything we do.
Pastoral Care St Paul’s Juniors
Our pupils:
- Flourish under the individual attention we offer at St Paul’s Juniors
- Form close bonds with their fellow pupils and St Paul’s staff members
- Are guided through all aspects of daily life.by their Form Tutors
The pastoral team is led by the Pastoral Deputy Head who works closely with the Head of First Years, the Head of Second Years and the Head of Third Years. They, along with other key members of staff, consider matters relating to the well-being of all pupils in the School.
PASTORAL CARE for St Paul’s pupils aged 13 – 18
At the heart of our education is the understanding that children flourish when they feel safe, respected and cared for.
We nurture each individual child carefully, developing strong and meaningful relationships with them that will inspire and support them at school, and prove a foundation for their healthy and happy future.
First amongst these is the relationship with their Tutor, who will oversee their pastoral care throughout their time at St Paul’s. Our tutors work together with our broader well-being team. Led by our Deputy Heads (Pastoral and Mental Health & Wellbeing), our Medical Centre, expert Counsellors, Chaplain, Undermasters,
Safeguarding leads and Learning Support departments form an experienced and deeply committed pastoral team. All of our staff are highly trained in how to support teen mental health, and we teach all our pupils how to care for themselves in a valuable PSHE course that follows them through the school. Details of our provision in each of these areas can be found within this section of the website.
Underpinning all of our pastoral care is our unwavering commitment to pupil safety. We hold it absolutely paramount: it is the foundation of everything we do. We seek to be a beacon of safeguarding practices in the independent sector, and details of our safeguardin
Useful St Paul’s links
- House system at St Paul’s
- St Paul’s buddy system
- Form Tutors monitor the progress, development and wellbeing of every pupil under their care.
This is so that each pupil feels they can discuss any issues they might have with someone who knows them as an individual. Each pupil has access to Tootoot, an online reporting tool, so that all pupils have an effective and private way of raising a concern and reaching out for support.
Top private school scholarship exam practice
- Firstly, Westminster scholarship test practice and Westminster past papers.
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- And also our Dulwich College past papers and Dulwich College test practice.
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- Then next our test practice King’s Canterbury and Kings past papers.
- And also how to get private school scholarship.
- Plus, our free 13 plus past papers and 13+ test practice.
- Also next is St Paul’s test practice and St Paul’s past papers
- Finally our FREE 16 plus past papers and 16+ practice tests.