Test practice 7 plus Year 2 test papers

How to improve your child’s 7 plus test score


Which are the MOST ACCURATE 7+ Past papers?


schoolFREE 7 plus past papers for private school entry


We have collated the widest range of Year 2 test practice 7 plus exams to help with your 7 plus test practice.


7 plus Exams practice for prep School Entry

Buy a challenging set of 7 plus Maths or 7 plus English exams below:

7 plus private school practice tests for Year 2

7 Plus Maths test practice

  • Latymer Upper School – 7 Plus Maths Paper 1
  • 7 plus Latymer Upper School – Maths Paper 2
  • Magdalen College School – 7 Plus Maths Sample Paper
  • Highgate School – 7 Plus Maths Practice Paper

7 Plus English practice test papers

  • The Perse School, Cambridge – Year 3 Specimen Paper
  • Magdalen College School – 7 Plus English Sample Paper
  • Highgate School – 7 Plus English Practice Paper
  • Latymer Upper School – 7 Plus English Paper 1





FREE sample English 7+ and Maths 7+ papers

Maths 7 plus past papers

What is the English 7 plus syllabus?

The English 7 plus paper

  • incorporates the knowledge and skills outlined in the Year 2 programme of study from the National Curriculum.
  • may also include aspects of word reading and comprehension found in the Year 3 National Curriculum programme of study.
  • pupils will also be asked to demonstrate their ability to recognise the meaning of words, and will be asked to apply their vocabulary knowledge when solving puzzles.
  • and also will be asked to sit a dictation exercise where they will be expected to write reasonably neatly, applying their sound understanding of grammar, punctuation and spelling, checking their writing for accuracy in-line with top-end KS1 expectations.

Of course, the best private schools will expect Year 2 pupils to demonstrate that they can work to a higher standard than the Year 2 curriculum for Year 2 Maths and Year 2 English.


What is the Maths 7 plus exam syllabus?

The 7 plus maths paper:

  • incorporates the knowledge and skills outlined in the Year 2 programme of study from the National Curriculum. The paper may also include aspects of number and place value found in the Year 3 National Curriculum programme of study.
  • requires understanding of the four arithmetic operations, number facts and place value to solve problems, including missing number problems.
  • pupils should be able to recall and use multiplication and division facts for the 2, 3, 5 and 10 multiplication tables and demonstrate efficient mental calculation methods. They should also demonstrate an understanding of shape, space, measure and time, and a key part of

Have a 7 plus exam query?

Rob Williams

We speak as 7 plus private school test experts.
Do ask Rob any 7 plus test question you may have, at passedpapers@gmail.com
Rob consults for independent school test publishers: GL Assessment ; Cambridge AssessmentHodder Education, and the ISEB.

Prep School entry exam introductory guides


SEARCH the UK’s Independent/private schools that use the ISEB Common Pretest.

How do you know your child will pass their 7 plus entrance exam?

Once your child’s 7 plus practice test performance has improved sufficiently, then use one of the remaining 7 plus practice tests from your 7 plus test bundle as a mock 7 plus exam. Is their 7 plus score high enough to pass their 7 plus prep school exam?
Consult with one of our specialist 7 plus prep school tutors to find out.

FREE sample Maths 7+ papers

  • Solving these 7 plus past exam papers will give your child good practice in questions ranging from difficulty level easy to hard.
  • We advise parents to practice these 7 plus past papers alongside their child.
  • Doing this will help build confidence to face all kinds of questions. It will also improve your child’s performance in their plus school tests.

So, why are 7 plus school exams used?

  • Private schools conduct 7+ entry exams to select pupils for year 3 admission into independent schools across the United Kingdom.
  • Hence most 7 plus plus examinations are used to gain a place in top independent schools.

Six steps to ensure your child’s own 7+ entry exam success

  1. Encourage your child to practice with one of our top 7+ test prep resources every weekend.
  2. If you also track each week’s 7 plus entry exam progress then you will quickly learn which 7+ test techniques work best for them.
  3. Conduct 7+ pass / 7+ fail reviews to establish which 7 plus test sections your child finds the most challenging.
  4. Both in terms of 7+ exam time taken and getting that type of 7 plus question correct.
  5. This allows the 7+ parent or 7+ tutor to focus in the later 7 plus assessment study periods on  on those.
  6. Adopt the most efficient 7+ passing strategies which work for them.

7+ prep school practice


Year 3 Maths Study Pack

English 7 Plus practice tests; 7+ Maths test practice;

English Year 7 past papers and Maths Year 7 past papers.

How best to use our 7 plus past papers for your 7 plus prep school entry exam revision

Here is our step-by-step guide to encourage the best form of school entrance test practice. This is using the practice materials which are closest to your school entry exam. This is why we offer the latest school entrance past papers. These are the best source for your child to use.
  1. You need to search the School Entrance Tests‘ Index to access the 6+ school entrance test which your child will be taking.
  2. Download the latest available 6 plus past papers.
  3. Schedule regular weekly 6+ revision sessions for your child to familiarise themselves with the 6+ exam formats.
  4. As they complete more 6+ practice papers your child will perfect their 6 plus exam technique*
  5. Note those sub-tests (for example the 11 plus for grammar school entry has four separate papers or subtests.


Our notes for using past school entry papers

Firstly, the above Guide to using past papers may occur alongside your child’s tutor.

Also, we also offer more challenging past 7 plus papers for revision. These are supplied by our practice 7 plus exam partners because of their reputation for providing high quality and engaging online (mock) exams.


Who are School Entrance Tests?

Have a look at our London Prep menu. From there you will find links to Admission Info as well as Entrance Exams for Prep Schools in London. We offer extensive lists of Year 2 maths test pdfs; year 2 maths papers; year 2 maths tests with answers; and 6 plus exams practice.