Best performing 2024 comprehensive schools nearby

Which are the best performing 2024 comprehensive schools?


Best comprehensive schools 2024

Shown first is the top performing comprehensive school’s Regional ranking, which is followed by this best comprehensive school’s name and then that leading comprehensive school’s national 2024 rating.

1. JFS
2. St Andrew’s RC School
3. Tauheedul Islam Girls’ High School and Sixth Form College
4. The St Thomas the Apostle College
5. Lady Margaret School
6. Menorah High School for Girls
7. Hasmonean High School for Girls
8. The London Oratory School
9. Waldegrave School
10. Salesian School
11. Didcot Girls’ School
12. Roundwood Park School
13. Arden Academy
14. Cranford Community College
15. St Paul’s Catholic College
16. North Leamington School
17. Clapton Girls’ Academy,
18. Hinchley Wood School
19. Bohunt School
20. Sir John Lawes School

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Improving your critical thinking skills

  • involves developing the ability to think more effectively, analyze information, and make reasoned decisions.
  • is an ongoing process that can benefit various aspects of your life, from making informed decisions to solving complex problems and understanding the world more deeply.
  • Ask Questions: Cultivate a curious mindset by asking questions about the information you encounter. Challenge assumptions and seek deeper understanding.
  • Gather Information: Research and gather relevant data from credible sources to ensure you have a solid foundation of information on a given topic.
  • Analyze Information: Break down complex information into smaller parts and examine each component to understand how they relate to the whole.
  • Consider Multiple Perspectives: Avoid jumping to conclusions. Evaluate different viewpoints and perspectives, even if they contradict your initial beliefs.

Evaluate Evidence

  • Assess the quality and reliability of evidence and sources. Look for biases and consider whether the evidence supports a particular claim.
  • Recognize and Manage Biases: Be aware of your own biases and cognitive biases that can cloud judgment. Strive for objectivity and open-mindedness.
  • Practice Critical Reading and Listening: When reading or listening to information, actively engage with the material by questioning, summarizing, and assessing its validity.
  • Solve Problems: Practice problem-solving regularly. Break down problems into manageable steps and consider various solutions before deciding on the best approach.
  • Reflect and Self-Assess: Periodically reflect on your thinking process and decisions. Identify areas where you can improve and learn from your experiences.
  • Engage in Discussions: Engage in thoughtful discussions and debates with others to expose yourself to different viewpoints and sharpen your argumentation skills.
  • Play Brain-Training Games: Games and puzzles that require logical thinking and problem-solving can be a fun way to exercise your critical thinking muscles.


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  • UK comprehensive schools rankings.
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