Oxbridge admissions tests practice and Oxbridge interview tips

Welcome to our Oxbridge admissions guide

If you are thinking of applying to one of the Oxbridge Colleges then this article is perfect for you!

Our Oxford and Cambridge admissions test guides

Oxbridge prep – Oxbridge Admissions test practice

Our FREE Oxbridge admissions Resources

  • Applications Oxbridge guide and MAT test practice.
  • BMAT University entrance guides and TMUA University Admissions Guide.
  • Our free TSA past papers, TSA past papers and passing the TSA guide.
  • HAT Oxbridge admissions, PAT Oxbridge admissions and ELAT Oxbridge admissions.

Thinking Skills Assessment YouTube video

Specific Oxbridge Admissions

  • Law at Cambridge, most colleges will require you to take the Cambridge Law Test
  • All medical and veterinary students sit the BMAT test (a test of scientific aptitude) before being offered a place in their chosen course
  • Oxbridge courses that are more mathematical or scientific content also include the Thinking Skills Assessment as part of their admissions process.
  • The Law National Aptitude Test (LNAT) shows universities if you’re suitable to study law

For Oxford applicants, the majority of tests required are more subject-specific. Most subjects will require students to sit a written test that demonstrates that they have an aptitude for the subject area.

Oxford doesn’t have an SAQ, but it does require applicants for most courses to take a test as part of the application process.

Interviews at Cambridge normally take place in one college. Often on a single day. Oxford applicants will usually stay for at least a couple of days and may be interviewed at multiple colleges.

If you can’t decide on a college, you can make an open application. A computer program will allocate your application to a college for you. Once allocated, your application is treated exactly like any other.

THE LATEST Oxbridge entry admissions News

Tata Consultancy Services will be looking after Oxford University admissions exams 2024. This Oxbridge admissions testing has the potential to transform Oxbridge school entry into digital exam delivery.

Best Oxbridge preparation tips

Firstly start early still! Noting that the trend has been for the MAT, PAT and TSA admissions tests to become more difficult year-on-year. And then secondly you must focus throughout your summer 2022 preparing as thoroughly as you possibly can.

Here’s our step-by-step advice:

1. Do I prefer Oxford University or to Cambridge University?

Your first decision is whether to apply to Oxford University or to Cambridge University. The best online information upon which to base this decision are the Oxbridge websites themselves. So, research both of these Cambridge University and Oxford University.

Aligned with step 1 is

2. Choosing the Right Oxbridge Course

It is important to select your degree course rather than any course at Oxbridge.
Or a course with less applicants. Hence one that’s potentially easier to get into than the one you really want. Choose the course you are most passionate about studying too.

Rather than the one that’s guaranteed to give you a steady career. Sadly, there are no career guarantees in the modern world.

Search here for other admissions test papers: admissions tests and here for Oxford admissions tests specifically: applying to Oxford tips.

The Complete University Guide to Oxbridge applications and the UniGuide to Oxbridge admissions.

3. Visiting Oxbridge Colleges

Now you are well-positioned to visit individual Colleges.

This will give you a taste of whether you’d prefer Collegiate life at Cambridge. Or in the smaller town of oxford. Remember that you can only apply to one or the other.

4. How do I write my Personal Statement?

Next, you need to focus on your personal statement. Here’s our useful Personal statement guide to help your Oxbridge application.

5. How do I complete my UCAS application?

Now you are well-positioned to fill out your UCAS application form.

6. Oxbridge Tests

The next step is practising for Oxbridge tests and written work.

Please see details and links below for each of the Oxbridge course specific entrance exam requirements.

There are many degree course specific Oxbridge tests, including:


7. Passing your Oxbridge Interview

When all that is completed, one has to pass the personal interview.

8. Choosing the right college

Oxbridge application News updates 2023

  • Educational barriers after the pandemic mean there is no room for complacency.
  • Black Year 12 pupils have suffered increased levels of anxiety.

The diversity of Oxbridge admissions 2023

Educational barriers after the pandemic mean there is no room for complacency in ensuring good representation of black students at Oxbridge.

Black Year 12 pupils have suffered increased levels of anxiety, having been disproportionately affected by the fallout of the coronavirus outbreak.

Our Oxbridge admissions prep for tests and interviews

Oxbridge study skills tips

Importantly, study skills are techniques that can be learned, usually in a short time, and applied to all or most fields of study.

They are therefore separate from strategies that are specific to a particular field of studies such as History or Biology.

Many organisations offer study skills advice, especially for students making the transition from school to University.

This includes UCAS which has guides on everything from How to Present an Argument to Time Management and Proofing and Editing Your Work.

Another useful website is Skills You Need.

Here you can get information about different types of life skills including leadership skills, personal skills and learning (study) skills.

Furthermore, universities themselves also produce useful guides on Study Skills. See Bristol University’s Study Skills: Hints and Tips and Oxford University’s Study Skills and Training section.

The Oxford University guide even includes a YouTube video tutorial on how to manage your time more effectively.

We call this sort of exploration ‘super-curricular’, as it builds on and enhances what you are studying in school.

Super-curricular Oxbridge Resources

Our Super-curricular suggestions

You do not need to engage with any of the specific websites, books, podcasts etc mentioned and can easily find your own alternatives. The following lists are suggestions only.
After the COVID-19 lockdown, perhaps you can visit some of these!
The best thing about super-curricular activities is that there are no exams or deadlines to worry about.
You are free to follow your own lines of enquiry into the areas that interest you the most.

Our Oxbridge admissions prep for tests and interviews


What makes Oxbridge Colleges so special?

  • Collegiate system which are further responsible for teaching and assessment.
  • Each of the colleges under these famous universities offers major benefits of high academic standards.
  • For applying, one has to go through the UCAS application process and has to mention their choice of college there as well.
  • Teaching methods – among the two universities, the teaching method is more or less similar.
  • There are frequent lectures, seminars and consistent classes and even extra tuitions that are arranged for a group of students.
  • The only difference is the terminology, wherein Oxford, special classes are termed as tutorials and in Cambridge, they are known as supervisions.


Oxbridge deadlines

  • Cambridge application dates guide.
  • UCAS’s deadline to apply for Cambridge, Oxford (or Medicine/Veterinary Medicine anywhere) is 15 October.
  • 15 October is also the registration deadline for pre-interview admission.


Pre-interview Oxbridge assessments

Check entry requirements by subject.

There are also University admissions past papers on this site, plus:


Latest 2022 Oxbridge Admissions Service updates

The Oxbridge Admissions Testing Service have announced the following important changes, which will affect students applying for:

  • Medicine
  • Economics at Cambridge
  • Computer Science at Cambridge
  • Natural Sciences at Cambridge
  • Engineering at Cambridge
  • Maths/Econ courses at universities using the TMUA, such as Durham, Warwick, LSE, Bath, etc

The BMAT, TMUA, NSAA and ENGAA are happening two weeks earlier than usual. Typically these Oxbridge admissions exams occur immediatley after secondary schools’ October half term. By setting these earlier in 2022 (Oct 18th and Oct 19th), prospectie Oxbridge students for these courses cannot reise over the half-term.

Oxford Admissions tests

Example Cambridge Admissions tests

  • Cambridge Admission Assessment
  • Sixth Term Examination Paper also known as STEP
  • TSA Cambridge admissions test.
  • NSAA Cambridge admissions test
  • Cambridge Personal Styles QuestionnaireÂŽ (CPSQ)
  • International Medical Admissions Test (IMAT)
  • University of Cambridge pre-interview assessments


Does a super-selective school help your child get into Oxbridge?

Welcome to our super-selective schools guide.

Benefits of super-selective schools

As well as the prestige, there are many benefits to gaining a place at a selective or super-selective school. For example:

  • Your child is likely to be with like-minded peers who have a strong attitude to learning and a desire to do well.
  • The schools have a particular focus on achievement and create a strong learning environment, in which they help their pupils achieve good results.
  • A more traditional form of education is offered, with firm discipline considered a high priority.
  • Your child may have a wider range of academic subjects to choose from at GCSE and A level, including single sciences, further maths and more languages.



These pride themselves on their academic results, and many of them have good links with the top universities, including Oxford and Cambridge. 

But there are downsides. With competitiveness comes a pressured and potentially stressful environment, so it’s important to think about your own child and how they deal with things. Some children thrive on this kind of challenge, whereas others may find it difficult to cope and be more comfortable in a school where there is less academic pressure, even if they’re bright enough to qualify for a selective or super-selective school place.

Oxbridge admissions prep 

TMUA University Admissions Guide and ELAT Oxbridge admissions.

HAT Oxbridge admissions , MAT test practice and PAT Oxbridge admissions.

TSA past papers and passing TSA.