Oxbridge Maths / Cambridge’s TMUA and STEP test practice

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Maths Admissions Test Practice

Intro to the TMUA

Oxbridge admissions TMUA Guide

Our Oxford and Cambridge admissions test guides

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What is the TMUA?

The Test of Mathematics for University Admission (TMUA) is now a computer-based examination process. Many schools or colleges provide computers, many ask the students to bring their own. This test is conducted to select the most efficient candidates applying for undergraduate Mathematics related courses.

TMUA is a pure mathematical test that includes mathematical thinking and logical reasoning.   TMUA offers the candidate an extra opportunity to prove their potential and aptitude, no matter what background they come from. The test results are not shared with the universities directly. The candidates can decide on their own whether they want to share the results once they received them.

Wh0 takes the TMUA?

The focus of TMUA is on the progress of the skills that are critical to getting success in mathematics. It validates the candidate’s mathematical abilities by letting them know whether they can apply the standard knowledge and logic in usual and strange situations.

Many types of research have proved that there is a direct relationship between the TMUA scores and the candidate’s first year’s academic performance.

In today’s changing education landscape, it is deemed as a valuable benchmark. It allows a fair comparison to find the best suitable candidate.

TMUA Format

TMUA is 2 hours and 30 minutes long test. It has two papers, and both the papers are taken consecutive.

Based on the overall performance of the candidates, a score between 1.0 to 9.0 is given

Applying for an Oxford Maths Course

If a student is applying for a mathematics course, then Oxford will be one of the best choices in the UK.

The students will have to take the MAT short for Mathematics Admission Test.
There are many other universities, for example, Cambridge that require students to take the STEP examination which is the Sixth Term, Examination Paper.
There are no major differences between these examinations, it just varies from one school to another.


What is the MAT?

Before taking the MAT, you need to register at a recognised MAT test centre.
Cambridge University developed mathematics as an assessment admission test in the year 2016.

They designed the test format to evaluate the skills, a candidate has to have to manage the university’s level Mathematics courses and syllabus.

Mathematics Admission Test Practice

What are the MAT eligibility criteria

In fact, there are no MAT eligibility criteria. The MAT is a 2 hours 30 minutes long test with the following two papers:

  • Mathematical Thinking The first paper has 20 multiple-choice questions (MCQ), and the test duration is 75 minutes.
  • The paper is based on pure mathematics that includes, algebra, sequences, series, Geometry, trigonometry, integration differentiation, graphs, basic functions, etc.
  • Mathematical / Logical Reasoning The second paper contains 20 multiple-choice questions, and the test duration is also 75 minutes for this.


MAT Benefits

  • Candidates can assess their capability and aptitude for mathematics
  • Scoring in MAT strengthens the candidate’s application for uni admission
  • It helps the candidates to be aware of the university’s Maths
  • The candidates take it as a challenge and prepare themselves accordingly


How to Prepare for the Mathematics Aptitude Test

For any kind of examination, no matter how critical it is, practice is the first step toward achieving good grades.

Every student should practice enough so that they are confident on the day of the examination.

 The questions that come in the MAT examinations always come from something that the students are familiar with.

So, what are the MAT questions like?

 The questions are done in such a manner specifically to test how familiar is a student with the subject.

Students should be always reproducing a familiar method for answering the questions. Mock MAT exam

Many mock examination websites offer timer settings to students for practicing.

Experts always advise the students on using those websites and settings to their advantage.

MAT practice exam materials

For MAT exam materials, the applicants can visit the Oxbridge website, where they will get a compilation of questions from previous years.
Furthermore, they will also get solved questions that will provide an understanding of how the questions are being answered.

Study guide for MAT

There is a particular study guide for MAT which is available on the Oxbridge website, that comes along with day-to-day suggestions.

All the experience-based material that is available on the website is taken from surveying different students over several years.

So, everything alongside the study guide and answers that one will get on the website is legitimate.  

Test of Mathematics for University Administration

The TMUA or Test for Mathematics for University Administration is designed for applicants to Oxford or similar level universities.
Applicants who are already not a part of the Oxford
educational system or are from different nationalities are the ones who end up taking this test.

It is designed to provide students with a good opportunity to demonstrate all the essential mathematical skills that they might have.

Reasonable thinking alongside a good knowledge of computers and economics altogether will make a student ideal for acing this test.

MAT past papers Mathematics Admissions Test Practice

What does the MAT look like?

The total test is 2 hours and 30 minutes long and it usually has two papers that are provided to the applicants consecutively.

The first paper is related to the application of their existing mathematical knowledge. Here the student gets 20 multiple choice questions and the test duration is for 75 minutes.
The second paper is related to mathematical reasoning and consists of mathematical reasoning questions.

Here, also the student has to answer 20 multiple choice questions and the test duration is again 75 minutes.  

MAT Scoring

TMUA scores are provided on the basis of how many correct answers are provided and not on how many questions have been attempted.

There is no negative marking for wrong answers whatsoever.

So, a student will have the liberty to guess a question that they are not so sure about.

The final making will be provided on the overall performance in both the papers and students will be given a score of 1 to 9, where 9 is the highest and 1 is the lowest.

There will be scores provided on each of the papers. So, the applicants will be able to understand in which area they are lacking knowledge the most.

How much does the MAT cost?

In the UK and EU, the registration will be somewhere between 75 to 88 Euros.
If someone is appearing for the test outside European Union countries, then it will cost them between 100 and 137 Euros.  

The application for result inquiries will cost between 38-52 Euros and the same cost will be for appeals

MAT past papers and Mathematics Admissions Test Practice



Mathematics is considered a competitive and demanding subject. Mathematics Admission Test (MAT) is a paper-based test.

The questions are specifically related to mathematics. Several universities in the UK accept it. It’s used to evaluate the mathematical abilities and reasoning skills of the candidates applying for the undergraduate mathematics-related course.
Before appearing for the test, registering yourself as a candidate in a recognised test centre is mandatory.

The test centre must be an authorized body to run the admissions testing test.

MAT Eligibility and Test details

There are no eligibility criteria, instead, anyone can appear for the test.
Cambridge University developed mathematics as an assessment admission test in the year 2016.

They designed the test format to evaluate the skills, a candidate has to have to manage the university’s level Mathematics courses and syllabus.

Mathematical Thinking

The first paper has 20 multiple-choice questions (MCQ), and the test duration is 75 minutes.
The questions are prepared to assess the mathematical abilities of the applicants whether they can apply their mathematics knowledge to new situations.

The paper is based on pure mathematics that includes, algebra, sequences, series, Geometry, trigonometry, integration differentiation, graphs, basic functions, etc.

Mathematical Reasoning

The second paper contains 20 multiple-choice questions, and the test duration is also 75 minutes for this.

It is to assess the capabilities of the candidates whether they can apply the logic to solve the elementary concepts using mathematical arguments.

No calculators or dictionaries are allowed while taking the test. The best part is, there is no pass or fail in this test.

The scores are determined based on the number of correct answers given by the candidates. Once the candidates request their results, the results are published, and feedback is provided.

MAT Preparation pattern

The MAT is conducted at the end of October or the beginning of November every year. It is optional at many universities while mandatory at many. Test syllabus, and format everything is mentioned on the official website of the authorized universities where the candidate registers. Candidates can also download the past papers and the answers, including other information for preparation.

Benefits of taking MAT

  • Candidates can assess their capability and aptitude towards mathematics
  • Scoring in MAT strengthens the candidate’s application for admission to the university.
  • It helps the candidates to be aware of the university’s Maths
  • The candidates take it as a challenge and prepare themselves accordingly

Points to note: Many universities do not ask for any test and do not mention reducing A Level offer, no MAT test is required there. Many types of research conducted across the UK prove Mathematics Admission Test has been a productive initiative and has good predictive validity. The resulting procedure is also managed well considering the student’s well-being and progress.    


What is STEP?

Sixth Term Examination Paper is a well-established mathematics-based examination. It is also known as STEP. Almost every university in the UK asks for STEP for undergraduate candidates applying for the mathematics-related course as an admission test formality. The motive of this test is to check the quality, originality, and ability of the candidate whether they are capable enough to use standard techniques and formulas under usual conditions.

STEP’s Test pattern

Two papers are there in STEP. Each of the papers is for 3 hours long depending on distinct A-level understanding. Before the candidates appear for the paper tests, they have to clear an interview. Around 75% of the candidates are invited to appear for the interview. Every candidate who appears for the STEP test is interviewed.

  • Paper one consists of A-Level maths and AS level maths
  • Paper two consists of A-Level Maths and A level further maths
  • A candidate is required to be good at A-Level and Further Mathematics.

Candidates scoring at least Grade 1 in both papers get admission to universities. A change has been put in place where many universities are accepting students who have scored Grade 1 in at least 1 test as well.

Score Pattern:for STEP

Candidates can answer as many questions as they want however, the scores are derived from the 6 best answers hence, they are advised not to attend questions more than 6. Each of the questions holds 20 marks, the maximum a candidate can score is 120. There are 5 grades S, 1, 2, 3, U. S is Outstanding, 1 is Very Good, 2 is Good, 3 is Satisfactory, U is unclassified. Candidates have to register themselves; the registration fee is £93.00 per STEP test. Registration has to be made by each candidate with an authorized test center. This test center can be the colleges and schools. Once the registration is successful, an entry number is issued for each candidate.

STEP’s Origin:

STEP was originated from Cambridge Assessment Admissions Testing.

The test paper is set during the end of the A-Level examination that usually occurs in June and July every year. For each STEP paper, the Cambridge Assessment charges a nominal amount Entry fee.

Many schools and colleges ask the students to bear the entry fee or the administration charge set by the colleges.  .


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