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How to pass your English GCSE
Ask ROB (expert test developer) your questions by emailing passedpapers@gmail.com
An Associate Fellow of the British Psychological Society, Rob Williams is a Chartered Psychologist with over 25 years of experience working and designing tests.
Rob has worked for the school entrance test publishers ISEB and GL – as well as the leading global psychometric test publishers including SHL, Kenexa IBM, MBTI, CAPP and SOVA Assessment.
Free English GCSE revision materials:
Newest AQA Exam Papers:
Modern Prose GCSE English 2022 past papers
- AQA GCSE English Literature Modern Prose Paper 1M 2022AQA-GCSE English Literature Modern Prose Drama Paper 1M 2022 Mark Scheme
- AQA GCSE English Literature19th Century Novel Paper 1N 2022AQA-GCSE English Literature19th Century Novel Paper 1N 2022 Mark Scheme
- AQA GCSE English Literature Poetry Anthology Paper 1P 2022AQA-GCSE English Literature Poetry Anthology Paper 1P 2022 Mark Scheme
- AQA GCSE English Literature Shakespeare Paper 2 2022AQA-GCSE English Literature Shakespeare Paper 2 2022 Mark Scheme
- AQA GCSE English Literature Modern Prose Paper 1M 2021AQA-GCSE English Literature Modern Prose Drama Paper 1M 2021 Mark Scheme
- AQA GCSE English Literature19th Century Novel Paper 1N 2021AQA-GCSE English Literature19th Century Novel Paper 1N 2021 Mark Scheme
- AQA GCSE English Literature Poetry Anthology Paper 1P 2021AQA-GCSE English Literature Poetry Anthology Paper 1P 2021 Mark Scheme
- AQA GCSE English Literature Shakespeare Paper 2 2021AQA-GCSE English Literature Shakespeare Paper 2 2021 Mark Scheme
Creative Reading
- AQA GCSE English Language Creative Reading Paper 1 2022AQA-GCSE English Language Creative Reading Paper 1 2022 InsertAQA GCSE English Language Creative Reading Paper 1 2022 Mark Scheme
- AQA GCSE English Language Writer’s Viewpoints Paper 2 2022AQA-GCSE English Language Writer’s Viewpoints Paper 2 2022 InsertAQA GCSE English Language Writer’s Viewpoints Paper 2 2022 Mark Scheme
- AQA GCSE English Language Creative Reading Paper 1 2021AQA-GCSE English Language Creative Reading Paper 1 2021 InsertAQA GCSE English Language Creative Reading Paper 1 2021 Mark Scheme
- AQA GCSE English Language Writer’s Viewpoints Paper 2 2021AQA-GCSE English Language Writer’s Viewpoints Paper 2 2021 InsertAQA GCSE English Language Writer’s Viewpoints Paper 2 2021 Mark Scheme
How to Pass English GCSEs
- You may be worrying about passing GCSE English Language and Literature. This is definitely understandable, as passing English is essential in order to move on to the next step in education.
- GCSE English provides you with skills useful in the real world. This is why it is imperative that you pass English.
- Tips for passing both the GCSE English literature and the English language GCSE exam are covered here.
- You may already know that the grade which is seen as a pass is grade 4 in the new grading system. This means that if you receive a grade 4 for English, well done!
- This means that you have passed. Different exam boards contain different amounts of marks in their papers.
- Therefore, their grade boundaries are different. Despite this, the general pass mark for English literature is between 30% and 50%.
- For GCSE English Language, the pass mark is very similar between exam boards. This is at around 42%.
How to pass GCSE English Language
- GCSE English Language exams are often seen as difficult by students because it can be hard to prepare for them. This is because there isn’t a set amount of content which you need to revise.
- Instead, you are given texts in the exams you have probably never seen before. You then have to analyse them.
- This can be seen as daunting to some students.However, simple changes to the way you revise can prepare you fully for the exams.
- Revising is the key to passing exams.For GCSE English Language, the best thing to do is to read as much as you can! As you read, it can be helpful to pinpoint specific words and use key terminology to name them.
- Then you can analyse the use of these words and explain their effect on the reader.
- Also sit as many practise papers as you can to get used to the exam.
- Practising writing your own pieces of text can also be extremely helpful.
Our tips for passing the GCSE English Literature exams
- Revising for GCSE English Literature, you can simply learn the top key character quotes for each leading character in your GCSE books and plays. School Entrance Tests also advises you to ensure these are pertinent to a variety of essay topics.
- This will make it easier to think of quotes specific to the question during an exam. This is true regardless of whether the question is theme based or character based.
- We’d also recommend creating a timeline for your studied GCSE English Literature stories.
- Plus, of course, before staarting each essay create a rough essay structure.
Why retake an English GCSE?
- Many future employers consider English GCSE and maths GCSE to be essential GCSE passes to have on your cv.
- Therefore, any GCSE 2023 grade that is less than a four will require you to re-sit that English Language GCSE exam and/or English Literature GCSE exam.
- Specifically, GCSE English Language is often considered compulsory hen applying for many higher-level educational courses.
How to stay motivated during GCSE exam season
- Believe that you’ve done all the work necessary to be able to pass. Anything else is a bonus.
- Treating your predicted GCSE grades as your upper target only. There’s many reasons why GCSE students will not achieve their target GCSE grades 2022.
- Don’t make your GCSE revision sessions too arduous.
- Try as much as you possibly can to make your GCSE revision ‘fresh’ – rather than a daily chore.
- Regularly reward yourself.
- Employ short diversions and apply different learning methods that will make the work less monotonous and help it all sink in.
How to get top grades for English GCSE?
This is all about one single factor: preparation. There is no real cause to be afraid of an English exam if preparation is ample; true, there may be no definite correct answer, but the steps to success in this subject may be a bit more formulaic then you might expect…
With this article, we hope to take you through some steps and provide you with tips to aid you in your performance in your upcoming English exams. But remember – simply reading through is not enough. Your good grades are reliant upon your own efforts. That being said, we nevertheless wish you find this guide helpful. We hope that in a combination of this article and your hard work that perhaps you can then further enforce the knowledge and confidence that English is not so terrifying after all.
English GCSE exam boards
We list our GCSE English Language past papers, English Literature past papers by GCSE exam board:
- EdExcel GCSE English
- AQA GCSE English past papers.
2022 GCSE Maths guidance from the GCSE Maths exam boards
Here is guidance from the main 2022 GCSE exam boards:
- Cambridge GCSE guidance for 2022 GCSE exams
- Edexcel GCSE guidance for 2022 GCSE exams
- Pearson GCSE guidance for 2022 GCSE exams
- AQA GCSE guidance for 2022 GCSE exams
- OCR GCSE guidance for 2022 GCSE exams
Most gcse exam boards also provide access to their own past papers:
GCSE English Past Papers – Revision
GCSEs, or the General Certificate of Secondary Education, is a particular type of examination conducted in Wales, England, Northern Ireland and elsewhere around the world.
These exams are usually taken by 15- and 16-year-old students after studying for two years. They are also used to mark their graduation from the phase 4 stage of secondary education.
Revision for GCSE exams is essential as it helps the students to memorise figures, topics, facts and methodologies that they have studied. This process also helps to enhance their confidence level and lessen anxiety.
Top revision aid English GCSE papers and 2023 English GCSE past papers
Some students find these tests tougher than others, however, it is possible to achieve good grades in GCSE exams if revision is started three months before.
The students can also prepare themselves for GCSE revision by setting detailed goals.
It is very important to identify areas of weakness and put goals in place accordingly as this will support them in their studies for the next few months. The students can further set their goals by looking at the marking criteria.
These show them what the boards are searching for and what they should study in order to obtain specific scores. It is also essential for the students to create a revision timetable. With the help of said timetable, they can add structure to their lessons and organise the time according to their schedule.
AQA Exam Board Practice and Past Papers for English
AQA English Literature:
Specimen papers and mark schemes to help teachers and students prepare for new exams. AQA GCSE English Paper 1M Modern prose and drama Sample set (2022 exams only) AQA-GCSE English Mark Scheme 1M Modern prose and drama Sample set (2022 exams only) AQA GCSE English Paper 1N The 19th-century novel Sample set (2022 exams only) AQA-GCSE English Mark scheme: Paper 1N The 19th-century novel Sample set (2022 exams only) AQA GCSE English Paper 1P Poetry anthology Sample set (2022 exams only) AQA-GCSE English Mark scheme Paper 1P Poetry anthology Sample set (2022 exams only) AQA GCSE English Paper 2P Shakespeare and unseen poetry Sample set (2022 exams only) AQA-GCSE English Mark scheme Paper 2 Shakespeare and unseen poetry Sample set (2022 exams only)
AQA English Language:
November 2020:
AQA GCSE English Paper 1 (November 2020) AQA-GCSE English Mark scheme Paper 1(November 2020) AQA GCSE English Insert: Paper 1 Explorations in creative reading and writing (November 2020) AQA-GCSE English Paper 2 (November 2020) AQA GCSE English Mark scheme Paper 2(November 2020) AQA-GCSE English Insert Paper 2 Writers’ viewpoints and perspectives (November 2020)
GCSE English Language past papers – English Literature past papers – GCSE practice papers
GCSE Accelerated learning techniques
Accelerated learning is a specific method of teaching that builds an environment where students can retain and absorb ideas in a way that is more effective than the traditional method of learning. Various accelerated learning techniques help students in the process of preparing for GCSE exams.
Organising revision notes
Revision notes for GCSE include keywords, definitions and terms, and other important elements. For this reason, the students need to organise their notes carefully as per their daily lessons so they can easily locate their topics later and read over the details during their revision time. To efficiently organise revision notes, students need to create a table of contents. The students can develop a full overview of the revision notes’ contents and then easily jump into their desired subject.
Making effective GCSE notes
Making effective notes for GCSE revision is a very important part of this process. During learning sessions, making effective notes can help the pupils to focus and to better understand major concepts. The process of effective note-taking will also enhance their active listening, retention and comprehension of the subjects. These notes are essential for evaluation and analysing class material so they can train themselves properly for the exams. Effective notes can save energy and time, as well as reducing mistakes far better than normal insufficient and disordered notes.
GCSE exam papers
Ask ROB (expert test developer) your questions by emailing passedpapers@gmail.com
An Associate Fellow of the British Psychological Society, Rob Williams is a Chartered Psychologist with over 25 years of experience working and designing tests.
Rob has worked for the school entrance test publishers ISEB and GL – as well as the leading global psychometric test publishers including SHL, Kenexa IBM, MBTI, CAPP and SOVA Assessment.
Memory techniques for GCSE revision
It is believed that students who apply memory techniques perform better than those who don’t. Memory techniques help the learners to develop their working memory and their long-term memory. Students use different memory techniques whilst preparing for GCSE exams. Some of the well-known memory techniques include storytelling, repetition, chunking, mind maps, etc. With the help of these techniques, the students can hold onto their learning long enough to use it.
Practice GCSE exam techniques
With this particular learning technique, the students can intentionally set practice sessions and challenge themselves to remember what they have learned throughout the lessons without any help. The positive side of the practice test is that it allows learners to identify their mistakes, provides opportunities to rectify these and to memorise the correct answers. Practice testing helps the students with their studies by highlighting their weak points so they can successfully work on these areas. It also lets the students shift their learning outcomes from short-term to long-term memory.
Practice under GCSE exam conditions
Here is an excellent accelerated learning technique. Set your own practice exams to:
GCSE Learning techniques
Self-explanation is one of the commonest and most effective learning techniques that students may use in their GCSE revision. In this particular technique, the students usually explain what they have learned during the sessions to themselves.
This process is more suitable when studying theoretical and academic material. Students who are self-explainers train themselves just like their teachers. This method will help them to become aware of detailed concepts that they have not noticed before throughout their studies.
Making effective GCSE revision notes
This improves focus as well as an understanding of more complex material. Moreover, the process of effective note-taking will enhance their active listening, retention, and comprehension of the subjects. These notes are very essential for evaluation and analysing class material so that they can train themselves properly for the exams. Effective notes can save energy, time, and mistake rather than normal insufficient and disordered notes.
English GCSE practice papers
Memory techniques for GCSE exams
GCSE students who apply working memory techniques often perform better. Some of the most well-known memory techniques are storytelling, repetition, chunking and making mind maps. These menomic aids help to improve either memory recall and/or the transfer of information from working memory into long-term memory storage.
Keeping calm
If you’re very worried about your GCSE exams, be reassured that if you’ve put in the work then all will be fine. Always aim to do your best. Avoid ‘burnout’ from overdoing your GCSE revision. The best advice really is to ‘Keep calm and Carry On’.
Our GCSE Practice exam resources
Firstly, our GCSE practice tests. Then secondly, our 2022 GCSE practice papers. Thirdly, our new GCSE test exams. Plus, our 2022 GCSE mocks tips. And also our GCSE Maths practice papers.
GCSE exam board’s own past papers for previous GCSE years
Below you will find links to the different GCSE exam board websites, where updates will be provided as they become official. Many also provide access to past papers: