Improve your 11 Plus non-verbal reasoning skills here.
You can practice your 11 Plus non-verbal reasoning skills with our non-verbal reasoning test Practice.

11 Plus Non-Verbal Reasoning Practice Test Two

Non-verbal reasoning tests provide an indication of learning potential, logical reasoning, critical thinking skills and the ability to create new ‘ideas’.

Why are non-verbal reasoning skills so important?

Typically, Non-verbal reasoning test scores provide an indication of learning potential. Non-verbal reasoning tests indicate an ability to reason logically and to work with new ‘ideas’. In summary, non-verbal reasoning tests assess critical thinking.

Non-verbal reasoning papers are used in different settings. Both in the school entrance, aptitude assessment and recruitment. It refers to problem-solving through visual reasoning. There are various types of questions. There are also different levels of difficulty. Depending on the reason for the assessment.


The benefits of improving your non-verbal reasoning skills

The benefits of daily non- verbal reasoning skills practice is well documented and easily recognised. The best way you are going to get ahead is to practise what you have learnt. Some of these benefits are:

  • Test your non- verbal reasoning skills
  • Learn while testing
  • Identify your strengths and weaknesses
  • Improve non-verbal reasoning test and exam scores


Non-verbal reasoning practice test instructions

Before starting the test, Make sure to take the instructions into consideration.

  • Do not begin or open this booklet until told to do so
  • You have 10 minutes to complete this test.
  • Choose the best option from below to replace the question mark in each
    series of images.
  • Work quickly and carefully
  • Rough working on a separate piece of paper
  • Write answers clearly and cross out any mistakes
  • Only cross out mistakes if you have another answer to replace it with
  • There are 15 questions, try to complete them all

So, what are the benefits of improving my non-verbal reasoning skills?

The benefits of daily non- verbal reasoning skills practice is well documented and easily recognised. The best way you are going to get ahead is to practise what you have learnt. Some of these benefits are:

  • Test your non- verbal reasoning skills
  • Learn while testing
  • Identify your strengths and weaknesses
  • Improve non-verbal reasoning test and exam scores

Non-verbal reasoning test examples

CEM type of 11 Plus exams typically covers numerical reasoningverbal reasoning and abstract (or non-verbal) reasoning. They may be multiple choice or standard format – or a mixture of the two. Usually made up of two papers, CEM exams have a mixture of separately timed numerical, verbal and abstract sections.

  • Thus, the CEM English and the CEM verbal reasoning tests are combined.
  • Secondly, the CEM maths test and non-verbal reasoning tests are combined.
Non-verbal reasoning practice test

GL 11 Plus consists of these four 11 plus papers:

  • English
  • Maths
  • Verbal Reasoning
  • Non-verbal Reasoning

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