Welcome to the latest School Entrance Tests CAT4 pass marks 2024 guide.
2024 CAT4 pass marks guide
Our two introductory CAT4 tests:
- Try firstly our FREE DOWNLOADABLE CAT4 Sample Test.
- Secondly, our CAT4 skills training courses.
Which reasoning skills is the CAT4 assessing?
The Cognitive Abilities Test (CAT4) is a standard assessment used to measure a child’s cognitive abilities, as follows:
- Verbal reasoning CAT4 skills
- CAT4 Non-Verbal reasoning skills
- Quantitative CAT4 skills
- CAT4 Spatial Reasoning skills.
CAT4 age standardisation process explained
Each CAT4 skills section is scored separately, and the results are combined to form a standardized score. The standardisation process ensures that your child’s CAT4 results are compared to a large sample of CAT4 respondents. Crucially, this representative CAT4 sample is of pupils of the same age.
GL Assessment’s CAT4 is not a pass/fail test, but rather a diagnostic tool that helps in understanding a student’s abilities and potential.
Standardised CAT4 Age Scores
All CAT4 reports show your child’s CAT4 results are as Standard Age Scores (SAS), as follows:
- Below Average: 89 or lower
- Average: 90 – 109
- Above Average: 110 – 119
- Well Above Average: 120 or higher
Understanding CAT4 Test Scores for each pupil age (or CAT4 year group)
CAT4 Level X for pupils aged 6-7 years old
- Average Score Range: 90 – 109
- Indicative SAS: 95
CAT4 scoring Level Y for pupils aged 7-8 years
- Average Score Range: 90 – 109
- Indicative SAS: 96
Ages 8-9 – CAT4 Level A atandardized scoring
- Average Score Range: 90 – 109
- Indicative SAS: 97
CAT4 score guide for pupils ages 9-10 – Level B CAT4 test scoring
- Average Score Range: 90 – 109
- Indicative SAS: 98
Ages 10-11 years – Level C CAT4 standardisation
- Score Range: 90 – 109
- SAS: 99
CAT4 scoring protocol for pupil Ages 11-12 Years – Level D CAT4 standardised scoring
- Average Score Range: 90 – 109
- Indicative SAS: 100
Ages 12-13 years – CAT4 Level E scoring process
- Score Range: 90 – 109
- SAS: 101
CAT 4 scores for pupil Ages 13-14 – Level F cat4 results
- Average Score Range: 90 – 109
- Indicative SAS: 102
Age 14-15 years (Level G CAT4 scoring)
- Average Score Range: 90 – 109
- SAS: 103
CAT4 results for student ages 15-17 years – Level H CAT4 scores
- Average Score Range: 90 – 109
- Indicative SAS: 104
Interpreting your child’s CAT4 Results in their CAT4 report
- It is crucial that parents and any non-professional educators interpret any CAT4 scores in the overall context.
- You should be advised that professional Educators use CAT4 scores to support learning and development.
- CAT4 scores should never be interpreted as a sole indicator of a child’s ability.
CAT4 training video courses
We believe these CAT4 learning reosurces are also highly beneficial for specialist CAT4 tutors, and for school teachers using the cat4, tutors. Plus, those parents with children about to sit a CAT4 assessment at school. Any of these CAT4 users may wish to know what the CAT4 test-taker needs to understand about:
- Each Cat4 question type
- CAT4 techniques
- Associated CAT4 syllabus requirements.CAT Verbal Analogies question types and CAT Verbal Classification section
The two CAT4 modules (CAT4 Verbal Analogies and CAT4 Verbal Classification) make-up 25% of a total CAT4 score.
- We’ve analysed them in great detail, breaking the content down into a series of question types. The videos in this course offer a systematic approach to mastering each one. Each video lesson deals with one question type, which is first introduced with an explanation and a worked example.
- This is followed by further interactive worked examples, emphasizing specific techniques to deal with each question type in the most efficient manner. Key tips and advice are presented throughout each video lesson.
- Finally, there are a number of practice questions for students to try themselves to reinforce and consolidate what they have learnt. These are timed to match the actual exam. Thorough explanations are then provided for each of these practice questions.
CAT4 question or CAT4 challenge that you can’t find the answer to?
Then ask our CAT4 assessment design expert , your questions by emailing passedpapers@gmail.com
An Associate Fellow of the British Psychological Society, Rob Williams is a Chartered Psychologist with over 25 years of experience working and designing tests.
Rob has consulted for many of the top school entrance test publishers, including the ISEB, Cambridge Assessment ; Hodder Education, and the actual GL CAT4 publishers themselves.