THE BEST independent school entry papers 14 plus

Which are THE BEST independent school entry papers 14 plus?

Welcome to THE TOP 14 plus past papers for independent school entry 2024.

Here’s the best FREE 14+ practice tests to use for private school entry.


14 plus test practice and 14 plus past papers

How do I find the latest TOP private school entry prep from 5+ 6+… 11+ 13+ to 16 plus? 


Ask ROB, our resident 14 plus test design expert , your questions by emailing

Rob WilliamsAn Associate Fellow of the British Psychological Society, Rob Williams is a Chartered Psychologist with over 25 years of experience working and designing tests. Rob has worked for all three of the main school entrance test publishers: GL Assessment; ISEBindependent school entry papers and CEM Selectprivate school entrance papers.


14+ Science GCSE past papers

Firstly, 14+ Science (City of London Freemen’s School 2014)

Secondly, 14+Science (St Edward’s 2016)

Thirdly, 14+ Science (St Edward’s 2014)

Finally, 14+ Science (St Edward’s 2013)


Top 14+ School Entrance Exams

Our top tips for passing your 14+ exam

We recommend parents and 16+ tutors follow these four steps to build a child’s 14+ entry exam skills and to gain a 14 Plus pass.

  1. We offer many FREE past 14+ papers to introduce you to 14 plus entry exam formats.
  2. As you become more experienced, then you should focus your 14 plus revision on those 14+ exam section and 14+ question types that you find most challenging.
  3. Then, once you’ve built sufficient confidence in the requisite 14+ exam skills needed to gain a 14+ pass mark, you should use one of these school-specific 14+ practice papers as a mock exam.


14+ Private School Tests for English

English (Shrewsbury 2013) 13-14+ English as an Additional Language (St Edward’s 2016) English as an Additional Language (St Edward’s 2013) 13-14+ French (Shrewsbury 201

English (City of London Freemen’s School) 14+ English (St Edward’s 2016) English (St Edward’s 2015) 14+ English (St Edward’s 2013-14) English (St Edward’s 2012-3) 14+ French (St Edward’s 2013) German (St Edward’s 2014) 14+ Latin (St Edward’s 2013) Maths (City of London Freemen’s School 2012) 14+ Maths (St Edward’s 2016) Maths (St Edward’s 2015) 14+ Maths (St Edward’s 2014) Maths (St Edward’s 2013) 14+ Maths, English & French (Monmouth School) Science (City of London Freemen’s School 2014) 14+ Science (St Edward’s 2016) Science (St Edward’s 2014) 14+ Science (St Edward’s 2013) Spanish (St Edward’s 2013)


Past private school test papers 14+

English (City of London Freemen’s School) 14+ English (St Edward’s 2016) English (St Edward’s 2015) 14+ English (St Edward’s 2013-14) English (St Edward’s 2012-3) 14+ French (St Edward’s 2013) German (St Edward’s 2014) 14+ Latin (St Edward’s 2013) Maths (City of London Freemen’s School 2012) 14+ Maths (St Edward’s 2016) Maths (St Edward’s 2015) 14+ Maths (St Edward’s 2014) Maths (St Edward’s 2013) 14+ Maths, English & French (Monmouth School) Science (City of London Freemen’s School 2014) 14+ Science (St Edward’s 2016) Science (St Edward’s 2014) 14+ Science (St Edward’s 2013) Spanish (St Edward’s 2013)

14+ English past papers

English (City of London Freemen’s School) 14+ English (St Edward’s 2016) English (St Edward’s 2015) 14+ English (St Edward’s 2013-14) English (St Edward’s 2012-3) 14+ French (St Edward’s 2013) German (St Edward’s 2014) 14+ Latin (St Edward’s 2013) Maths (City of London Freemen’s School 2012) 14+ Maths (St Edward’s 2016) Maths (St Edward’s 2015) 14+ Maths (St Edward’s 2014) Maths (St Edward’s 2013) 14+ Maths, English & French (Monmouth School) Science (City of London Freemen’s School 2014) 14+ Science (St Edward’s 2016) Science (St Edward’s 2014) 14+ Science (St Edward’s 2013) Spanish (St Edward’s 2013)


Pre-test practice for the ISEB and for CEM publishers


Recommended private School entrance test practice