Welcome to THE TOP SATs Key Stage 2 Past Papers.
SAT Key Stage 2 past papers
School Entrance Tests‘ Key Stage Practice Papers
Key SATs KS2 facts
- The KS2 SATs take place in May:
- All children across the country sit the tests at the same time.
- After external marking, schools usually receive the results sometime in July.
Scoring for the SATs KS2
- Similarly to the KS2 tests raw scores (actual marks achieved) are translated into a scaled KS2 score.
- A scaled score of 100 or more, means that the child is working at the expected standard (denoted as ‘AS’).
- While a score below 100, means the child hasn’t reached the government expected standard (denoted as ‘NS’).
- The maximum scaled score possible is 120, and the minimum is 80.
- Many schools will send printed KS2 results home with the end of year report.
- The results will indicate whether your child has achieved the national key stage 2 standard and this will likely be given using the scaled scores or codes.
Why are the Stage 2 SATs taken in in Year 6? The Year 6 SATs (Standard Assessment Tests) are national tests that primary school children take at the end of their final year of Key Stage 2 (typically aged 10-11 years old.
What is the SATs Key Stage 2?
Primary school teachers regularly give out practice SAT tests. Children take them home and already stressed out parents have to set aside time in their busy diaries to manage their completion. There is an easier way, which is why I formed School Entrance Tests, which grants every parent easy access to the right practice papers and test-taking tips. That means improved scores – as well as reduced anxiety for both parents and child alike.
The SATs Key Stage 2 are designed to assess a child’s proficiency in reading, writing, and mathematics. Specifically, the Year 6 SATs assess:
- Reading: This includes a comprehension test where children read a passage and answer questions about what they have read. The questions assess their understanding of the text and their ability to interpret information.
- Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling (GPS): This involves assessing a child’s ability to use grammar, punctuation, and spelling correctly in their writing. This test includes questions on vocabulary, grammar, and punctuation rules.
- Mathematics: This includes a range of questions that test a child’s understanding of mathematical concepts such as number, algebra, geometry, and statistics. The test also assesses their ability to solve mathematical problems.
Overall, the Year 6 SATs are used to provide information about a child’s academic performance and to help identify areas where they may need additional support. The results of these tests are also used to inform secondary school placement decisions
SATs KS2 Maths and English
- Results for KS2 Maths and KS English are normally included in the end of year school report.
- KS1 SATS are teacher assessed while KS2 exams are marked externally.
- The National Curriculum tests (SATs) are designed to assess your child. Whether a pupil’s performance is below, at or above the national average level for children of their age.
What’s assessed in key stages one and KS2?
There are six SATs KS1 papers: two English reading papers; two grammar, punctuation and spelling papers; and two maths papers
In contrast to the KS2 SATs (year 6);
- A scaled score of 100 or more means a child is working at the expected standard. While a score below 100 indicates that a child hasn’t reached the government expected standard. The maximum possible score is 115, and the minimum is 85.
- For KS1 SATs, you may not receive your child’s actual SATs scores, unless you ask for them.
- However, you will be told whether they are working at the expected standard as part of the end of year report.
Other Key Stage 2 Practice Papers
What does Key Stage 2 assess?
- Key Stage 2 consists of Years 3-6 and pupils’ ages range from 7-11.
- During May of Year 6, the final year of Key Stage 2, children undertake 3 National Curriculum Tests: Reading, Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling and also Mathematics.
- Key Stage 2 assessments comprise both tests and teacher judgments.
- KS2 Teacher Assessment Framework is very helpful in explaining the finer details of this process.
English key stage 2
- Paper 1: English Grammar & Punctuation – 45 minutes – 50 marks
- 2: English Spelling – 20 words, about 15 minutes – 20 marks
- KS2 Reading and KS2 Mathematics also have fewer judgements as the focus is on the test scores.
Mathematics key stage 2
- Paper 1: Arithmetic – 36 minutes (30 questions) – 40 marks
- 2: Reasoning – 40 minutes (21 questions) – 35 marks
- Paper 3: Reasoning – 40 minutes (21 questions) – 35 marks
Science key stage 2
- Science has only one judgement, as in Key Stage 1.
- Biology: 25 minutes – 22 marks
- Chemistry: 25 minutes – 22 marks
- Physics: 25 minutes – 22 marks
year 2 sats practice papers
What are the KS 2 outcome codes?
The list of full KS 2 outcome codes are as follow:
- AS: expected standard achieved
- NS: expected standard not achieved
- A: absent from one or more of the test papers
- B: working below the level assessed by KS2 SATs
- M: missed the test
- T: working at the level of the tests but unable to access them (all or part of a test is not suitable for a pupil with particular special educational needs)

- 80 – lowest possible scaled score
- 120 – highest possible scaled score
Why not practice with our SATs Key Stage 2 papers?
- KS2National Curriculum Test English Paper 1 Questions (2018)
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- KS2 National Curriculum Test English Paper 2 Spelling (2017)
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- KS2 National Curriculum Test English Paper 1&2 Mark Schemes (2017)
KS2 English past papers
- KS2 National Curriculum Test English Paper 1 Questions (2016)
- KS2National Curriculum Test English Paper 1 Administration (2016)
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- KS2 National Curriculum Test Sample English Paper1 Questions (2016)
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- KS2National Curriculum Test Sample English Paper 2 Instructions (2016)
- KS2 National Curriculum Test Sample English Paper 1&2 Mark Schemes (2016)
More KS2 English past papers
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- KS2 National Curriculum Test English Paper 1&2 L3-5 Mark Schemes (2015)
- KS2National Curriculum Test Sample English Paper 2 Administration (2015)
- KS2 National Curriculum Test English Paper 2 L3-5 Administration (2014)
- KS2National Curriculum Test English Paper 1 L3-5 Questions (2014)
- KS2 National Curriculum Test Sample English Paper 2 L3-5 Spelling (2013)
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- KS2National Curriculum Test Sample English Paper 2 L3-5 Spelling (2013)
- KS2 National Curriculum Test Sample English Paper 2 L3-5 Instructions (2013)
- KS2SATs English Reading Booklet – The Great Plague (SATs-Papers, 2012)
- KS2 SATs English Reading Answer Booklet – The Great Plague (SATs-Papers, 2012)
- KS2SATs English Reading Booklet – Caves and Caving in Daveley Dale (SATs-Papers, 2011)
- KS2 SATs English Reading Answer Booklet – Caves and Caving in Daveley Dale (SATs-Papers, 2011)
- KS2SATs English Reading Booklet – Golden Dreams (SATs-Papers, 2010)
- KS2 SATs English Reading Answer Booklet – Golden Dreams (SATs-Papers, 2010)
year 2 sats papers
SATs Key Stage 2 papers – KS2 Maths exam links
- KS2National Curriculum Test Maths Paper 1 Arithmetic (2018)
- KS2 National Curriculum Test Maths Paper 1 Administration (2018)
- KS2National Curriculum Test Maths Paper 2 Reasoning (2018)
- KS2 National Curriculum Test Maths Paper 2 Administration (2018)
- KS2National Curriculum Test Maths Paper 3 Reasoning (2018)
- KS2 National Curriculum Test Maths Paper 3 Administration (2018)
- KS2National Curriculum Test Maths Paper 1,2&3 Mark Mark Schemes (2018)
- KS2 National Curriculum Test Maths Paper 1 Arithmetic (2017)
- KS2National Curriculum Test Maths Paper 1 Administration (2017)
- KS2 National Curriculum Test Maths Paper 2 Reasoning (2017)
- KS2National Curriculum Test Maths Paper 2 Administration (2017)
- KS2 National Curriculum Test Maths Paper 3 Reasoning (2017)
- KS2National Curriculum Test Maths Paper 3 Administration (2017)
- KS2 National Curriculum Test Maths Paper 1,2&3 Mark Mark Schemes (2017)
Our year 2 sats papers for key stage 2
- KS2 National Curriculum Test Maths Paper 1 Arithmetic (2016)
- KS2National Curriculum Test Maths Paper 1 Administration (2016)
- KS2 National Curriculum Test Maths Paper 2 Reasoning (2016)
- KS2National Curriculum Test Maths Paper 2 Administration (2016)
- KS2 National Curriculum Test Maths Paper 3 Reasoning (2016)
- KS2National Curriculum Test Maths Paper 3 Administration (2016)
- KS2 National Curriculum Test Maths Paper 1,2&3 Mark Mark Schemes (2016)
- KS2 National Curriculum Test Sample Maths Paper 1 Arithmetic (2016)
- KS2National Curriculum Test Sample Maths Paper 1 Instructions (2016)
- KS2 National Curriculum Test Sample Maths Paper 2 Reasoning (2016)
- KS2National Curriculum Test Sample Maths Paper 2 Instructions (2016)
- KS2 National Curriculum Test Sample Maths Paper 3 Reasoning (2016)
- KS2National Curriculum Test Sample Maths Paper 3 Instructions (2016)
- KS2 National Curriculum Test Sample Maths Paper 1,2&3 Mark Mark Schemes (2016)
SATs Key Stage 2 past papers – KS2 Science exam
- KS2SATs Science Test Paper A (SATs-Papers, 2011)
- KS2 SATs Science Test Paper A (SATs-Papers, 2010)
- KS2SATs Science Test Paper A (SATs-Papers, 2009)
- KS2 SATs Science Test Paper B (SATs-Papers, 2011)
- KS2SATs Science Test Paper B (SATs-Papers, 2010)
- KS2 SATs Science Test Paper B (SATs-Papers, 2009)
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