Welcome to our Parents Guides to getting a top independent school place.
Parents Guides to getting a top independent school place
Our Parents guides, from school transitions to ‘how do I get a top school place?’
- School transitions (finding a better school fit)
- Are private school fees worth it?
- Finding top tutors
- Supporting well-being
- Managing child anxities
- Parental exam support
- Key Dates
- How do I get a top school place?
Getting top independent schools places
Independent schools are by far one of the finest institutions offering education without the interference of any kind of external body and institution. Applying to such a school if someone is moving from state edition school can be tough but not impossible. Such schools are equipped with some of the finest educational programs specifically designed for new and foreign students to get acquainted with the teaching style. Many independent schools have their criteria for taking in new students. They set up high standards in terms of academics so that no lacking students get to be part of their prestigious educational body.
The admission criteria consist of an exam that needs to be passed. Furthermore, there is an interview that is conducted for new students and the parents are interviewed as well. There is a financial clause also as a lot of independent schools ask for a massive amount of admission fees beforehand and that does not include the tuition fees. The examination is a common entrance test that has to be taken by all students seeking admission. If a student scores very well in this examination, then there is a good amount of chance that they might get a scholarship. Thus, get the benefit of studying without having to spend a hefty penny. Preparation for passing the exams is a real struggle. The child needs to be laser-focused and their attention during the exam needs to be on point. In the exam, questions will be based on the core subjects including English, mathematics, etc.
Top scoring students
Only the top-scoring students will be considered for scholarship programs, which are most of the time quite rare. Furthermore, there is musical scholarship accepted in most independent schools as well. If a student has a substantial amount of artistic talent, then a music scholarship might just cover his/her academic fees. There are different strategies out there with the help of which the student can crack the exams.
Firstly, performing vivid research on the exam and the kind of questions that might be asked is very important. Secondly, appointing a good tutor who can teach the required skills is important if the parents do not have good beforehand knowledge about the examination. Thirdly, an exam strategy needs to be built, where the student will take on mock exams that will prepare them for the actual one when it happens. This will also allow the student to have a good amount of confidence in themselves. All of this will be fruitful if done correctly.
Moving into a primary private school from a state-based school can be quite exciting and frightening at the same time. The student should remember at all times that they are being selected based on their merit and always be confident enough to express their talents whenever they get a chance. There are no such dos and don’ts that a student should abide by. Rather, they should try to live their academic life to the fullest and explore new areas to find new interests.
Keep calm and enjoy Your Children
Many people are unaware that there is a difference between a tantrum and a meltdown. While both may involve screaming, kicking, shouting, biting and even swearing, there are some fundamental differences. Tantrums involve a child who has been frustrated in their attempt to do or have something, they usually only occur with an audience and they’ll usually abate once the child has what they want. Meltdowns, on the other hand, are a reaction to feeling overloaded or overwhelmed and there is no end goal or need for an audience. Calming a child is however the end goal on both.
Dealing with meltdowns
Meltdowns are the most common complaint of parents who have children with sensory processing issues and can result from trips to the supermarket, parties, classrooms or even just a bumpy sock.
Most often, these children have trouble transitioning from one activity to another and may meltdown every day when they have to move from playing to school or from bathtime to bedtime.
Their brains are continuously receiving jumbled messages from their senses and just getting through the day can be incredibly frustrating and overwhelming. Because they are often not getting enough proprioception, they seek ways to stimulate their muscles and joints (which can be very calming for them) and so may seem to be in perpetual motion. They tend to be both under and overstimulated at the same time!
getting top school places
Tips for avoiding meltdowns and calming a child
Here are some tips both for avoiding the meltdowns in the first place and for calming a child who is becoming overstimulated and ready to crack.
- Firstly, predictability is very important for these children. They need to know what is happening and what will happen next and need lots of warning if there will be changes in their routine and/or if they need to transition to a new activity or environment. Making a picture chart of their daily routine can be helpful with the little ones so that they know what to expect next.
- Consistency is important too. Being very consistent with rules and consequences and with your own reactions to things.
- Never ever restrict movement time as a punishment. I’m not a fan of punishment at all, as “bad behaviour” is really just communication from a child that something is not right, but these children do need predictable and clear boundaries in order to feel safe.
- It is essential to keep their blood sugar levels stable. Low blood sugar levels can exacerbate the symptoms and meltdowns. High protein, high fat and low carb diets are ideal. Sugar is a no-go area.
- Having a sensory retreat can be very helpful for recovering from a meltdown. Have a quiet, dark area like a tent with lots of pillows, some soft music, a chew toy and maybe even a weighted blanket.
The best strategy depending on your location
When you’re out and about,
- make sure you have a bottle with ice-cold water and a straw for them to drink from,
- keep a pack of chewy snacks like biltong, raisins etc,
- have a stress ball or Bluetack or a strip of Velcro for them to play with,
- get them to carry a heavy backpack,
- consider purchasing some soundproof headphones to block out excess noise.
At home, useful aids include
- an indoor or outdoor trampoline,
- a weighted blanket,
- a pilates ball,
- a rocking chair or swing.
They need safe ways to jump, kick, run, push, pull and punch. This could involve jungle gyms or pull up bars. Even just pushing a heavy bag around the house or pulling a heavy wagon on a walk (or even pushing the trolley or carrying heavy groceries at the shops).
Bath time can be improved by
- scrubbing them with a rough brush or sponge or giving them a deep massage after the bath,
- having a massage jet spray in the bath,
- buying them an electric toothbrush instead of the ordinary ones.
At cooking time, give your sensory child something to do like
- heavy mixing,
- rolling of dough,
- carrying heavy pots or tenderizing meat with a mallet.
Helping around the house can also be very calming for them – get them to vacuum or move furniture so you can clean or to do the heavy digging in the garden. Playtime on rainy days can be supplemented with indoor obstacle courses. Creating an indoor sandpit with beans or popcorn instead of sand and the usual cups, shovels, cars etc.
Calming a child – tips
Other calming tips can include
- using a special video or song to transition between two activities,
- placing a heating pad on the back of their neck,
- using lavender or chamomile essential oils dropped behind their ears,
- drinking chamomile tea,
- even sandwiching them between two pillows and squashing them.
There is some research now to suggest that kids with sensory processing issues have inflammation in the brain. This can be relieved by supplementing high doses of Omega 3’s and curcumin (the active ingredient in turmeric). Regular probiotics can also help.
It is also hugely beneficial if you are calm. Doing some deep breathing when your child is losing it will ensure that you can think clearly and come up with solutions to pull them out of their meltdown instead of joining them in it!
Remember that your child is not trying to be naughty or difficult. They are genuinely struggling to keep it together in the world and to feel ok in their own skin. A bit of patience, a lot of creativity, and some forethought can go a long way towards helping these kids to get through a day without a meltdown.
getting top school places