How to improve your child’s CAT4 test score for each CAT4 age group.
These are the closest replica CAT4 practice tests for each school year / pupil age.
TOP practice CAT4 tests for year 2
The BEST 2025 CAT4 practice tests
We offer the most accurate free 2025 CAT4 test practice and
FREE CAT4 2025 Sample Tests.
CAT4 familiarisation papers
ENGLISH CAT4 familiarisation papers
MATHEMATICS CAT4 familiarisation papers
Here is a useful FREE DOWNLOAD cat4 sample test:
Here are sample CAT4 sections so that you can practice those cat sections where you are weakest:
- 2025 CAT4 prep Figure Matrices grade 1, grade 5 cat Figure Matrices practice , CAT4 Figure Matrices grade 6 prep and
- CAT4 Figure Matrices grade 7.
- cat Number Series grade 5 and cat4 Number Series grade 7
- 2025 CAT4 Figure Classification grade 1 and CAT4 test prep Figure Classification grade 5
- cat 4 Number Analogies sample test for grade 5 and CAT4 Number Analogies grade 7 prep
- 2025 CAT4 Verbal Analogies grade 5 practice test
- CAT4 Verbal Classification grade 1 test prep and cat4 grade 7 Verbal Classification prep
- 2025 CAT 4 Figure Recognition test practice
- CAT4 Figure Analysis CAT4 sample questions.
- Number Series sample CAT4 SAMPLE PAPER EXAMPLES.
- CAT4 Figure Matrices sample
- Figure Classification CAT4 SAMPLE PAPER EXAMPLES.
- Verbal Analogies CAT 4 sample questions.
- CAT4 Verbal Classification sample
- Figure Recognition CAT4 SAMPLE QUESTIONS.
Is there a CAT4 pass-mark? What’s a good CAT4 score?
There is not a standard CAT4 pass mark. Anything over a 126 CAT4 score is performing in the top 4% is a good CAT4 test score. Or better. And given the respective number of independent school places, compared to applicant numbers and CAT4 ability levels, could well ensure entry.
So, how do schools apply the results? This is explained in more details in the sections below. Individual schools will have their own CAT4 policy and set their own CAT4 cut-of score.
Broadly speaking, any CAT4 score over 126 is a good CAT4 test score. This means the child is usually in the top few percent of pupils. This is based in the CAT4 standardization norm tables. Or better.
Of course, the respective number of independent school places, compared to applicant numbers must always be considered. In addition to that entry year’s CAT4 scores.
Pupils can track their own academic progress using the CAT4’s progress indicators. The results are good indicators of GCSE, A-level and IB course success. GL’s individual student report for teachers provides data that helps to understand a pupil’s learning profile. The implications for teaching and learning are profound and base decisions on objective not subjective opinion.
How are independent school CAT4 score cutoffs set?
CAT4 test scoring cut-offs vary by independent school. Sometimes considerably. Hence any child’s Independent school appliCATion context is as important as their CAT4 performance, or CAT4 potential. CAT4 parents / CAT 4 Turks must always check the independent school’s latest CAT4 Year 7 entrance requirements.
Why and when is the CAT4 used?
Here are some of the many reasons why the CAT4 has become so popular for school assessment:
- It’s one of the most respected school assessments since the CAT 4 provides one of the most comprehensive pupil assessments possible.
- This is because each CAT4 section assesses a different cognitive skill.
- There are informative and easy-to-apply CAT4 reports for both teachers / parents.
- GL Assessment, provide many supportive CAT4 materials.
How are CAT4 results used?
Educators gain insights into that pupils skill strengths and skill weaknesses in verbal reasoning ing, quantitative reasoning, spatial reasoning and in non-verbal reasoning. Thus:
- Tailored interventions can be designed that target a student’s weaker skill areas.
- A school’s valuable resources can then be most effectively targeted at ensuring each pupil is given every opportunity to achieve their own potential.
- Gifted programs, typically in the US, can then be tailored for high-achieving pupils.
Thereby allowing the CAT4 score-based classroom interventions focus on:
- That pupils weaker are as for improvement.
- Ensuring each pupil is given every opportunity to achieve their own potential.
- Tailoring gifted educational programmes to each high-achieving pupil.
How do parents receive their child’s CAT4 results?
The CAT4 publishers, GL Assessment, provide guidance for parents. See some of there’s key materials below:
- First the CAT4 quick start guide.
- Next the UK CAT4 administration manual.
- And then the international CAT4 administration manual.
- Plus, the CAT4 assessment overview.
- Then finally, CAT4 teacher guidance.
Typically, CAT4 results are interpreted for parents in terms of their child’s skill strengths and areas for improvement. we’ve provided some example CAT4 reports reports below:
Examples GL Assessment CAT4 reports
- Here is the sample GL individual CAT4 report for parents.
- And also the example GL Assessment CAT4 individual student report for teachers.
- Plus then also, ‘Understanding the CAT4 guide for parents.
These CAT4 reports emphasize how the teacher, of the school, will apply individual CAT scores in interventions enhancing the educational approach. As the CAT4 is a diagnostic tool the CAT4 reports focus in supporting pupils’ learning journeys.
Is CAT4 practice the best CAT4 preparation?
We say yes. However, CAT4 practice is discouraged by most schools and by most teachers. This is to maintain the integrity of the CAT as a school assessment of ‘natural’ cognitive ability.
Whilst this is an admirable aim, you would expect runner to practice for a marathon – rather than telling them that a true athlete just turns up in the day and does their best.
Most pupils will be expected their usual knowledge-based test. They will not have encountered such cognitive ability test (CATs). Some schools offer CAT4 familiarisation papers for this reason. See the subsequent sections.
These are particularly useful for the four CAT4 test for mats used in the CAT4 spatial reasoning (CAT4 Figure Recognition and CAT4 Figure Analysis) and CAT4 not-verbal reasoning sections (cat4 Figure Matrices and CAT4 Figure Classification).
How can parents support CAT4 preparation?
We recognise using the teaching me this that best suits their child’s own learning style. In other words so they learn best, practising of their own? Do they need to have a CAT4 revision structure imposed by a parent. Similarly, to have the structure of regular CAT4 lesson a with a CAT4 tutor.
At the most basic level, the parents of CAT4 students need to provide a quiet room with a suitable desk. Of course, most CAT4 pupils will already be using this to their their school homework!
Another way parents can help is to encourage their child’s to read.
Here’s our popular You Tube channel‘s CAT4 video guide.
Recommended CAT4 practice test resources
- Recommended CAT4 practice tests.
- And also our top cat4 test practice.
- Plus, the most accurate CAT4 sample tests.
SEARCH all our CAT4 prep resources for CAT4 test practice by school year.