Passing private school exams


Prep Schools Entry 


Private secondary school entrance tips

Academically selective schools assess their pupils either at 11+ or 13+. These may include Maths 11 plus, English 11 plus, verbal reasoning 11 plus, Non-verbal reasoning 11 plus and exams on various other subjects. The best would be to check the Admissions page of your preferred schools.

How do you know your child will pass their prep school exam?

We recommend that parents practice these past papers with their child. Doing this will help build the necessary exam-taking confidence to face all kinds of 5+ test questions.

Our extensive 10+ private school exam papers cover the range of selective prep schools. Since these do vary in difficulty, we are not suggesting that everyone be used for your child’s 10+ preparation.

Find age specific prep school test practice

Private secondary school test practice


Our calming tips for prep school parents 

  • If your child is worried about taking their exam, we advise reassuring them they will be fine and just to do their best.
  • Do not leave any prep school exam anxiety issues, such as those described above, to get better on their own without any invention.
  • It can lead to a situation in which your child can’t focus at all on their practice.